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Comment The worst thing that could happen (Score 1) 59

Meraki is all about what I expected Networking to be in the future. Now Cisco buys it.

I fear Cisco saw the increasing amount of customers asking why they don't do like Meraki. Hell, their battle cards even did not list anything negative about Meraki except that Meraki only had about one hundre employees.

Well, now Cisco will probably freeze the features and start moving in their own technology as new features, where you have to buy large complex and expensive licenses for getting it all.

Meraki was really starting to taking off, and Cisco got rid of a future competitor for lousy billion.

Comment A change of patent-law could fix this (Score 1) 344

We all know Apple, Microsoft etc try to keep you on their platform by providing exclusive services that only works on their platform. By patenting these solutions, they effectively block competing platforms from their services. E.g. they can block Skydrive-integration on Linux if they want to. I find it kinda strange that they are allowed to do this, as one might say that "-hey, why can't I access this service from an Apple computer?". A question comes to me, why is this allowed? Patents was about having monopoly on an invention that gives exclusive right on selling this invention. So, if I program an OS and would like to connect to some of the services from Microsoft, they are allowed to have exclusive rights on selling me this service. But this is not happening, they refuse to sell the service to us, because they say they only license the usage to partners whom they choose.

Well. This is where patents have derailed from the ideal runway. The thought of patents was never about exclusive rights on refusing to sell an idea. It was the other way around.

Patents should not be about blocking competitors from your platform. It's like requiring Nike shoes only on some sports courts.

So, ideally in my world, if e.g. Microsoft cannot make a fully compatible Android-client for a service they provide, then you are no longer breaking if you program a competing solution.

Comment The problem can be avoided by using another dialer (Score 4, Interesting) 151

Luckily Android can be very customized and thus we can work around this.

This can be blocked if you use an alternative Dialer App.
E.g. Exdialer (free).

Read the XDA thread where they investigate.

"The best solution i see at the moment is to install another dialer - when you navigate to malicious page android will display "choose dialer" dialog before doing anything, and you can cancel the operation by pressing back button. Just don't check "default" checkbox." (Source).

Of course, a confirmation dialogue should have been shown for *any* USSD codes.

To be honest, I still find it crazy that anybody can borrow a Samsung-phone and press *2767*3855# on the dialer and it would wipe it. This will probably not be fixed even if Samsung patches the dialer.

Comment Don't forget education (Score 1) 454

Make sure candidates have a long experience with Windows. Writing scripts and monitoring/logging should have been used at work before.

But, running software is no longer a job just at technical level. It's about understanding customer needs and also to some extent really know how applications work. If you get hold of well educated people, their grades will show how well they can relate to new stuff.

And, stay away from people bragging their certification level. Certifications are not hard, just expensive. MCSE is really Must Consult Someone Educated.

Comment Re:And why can't they sleep? (Score 1) 70

Nice. You reacted.

There are vast studies of the pulse lowering when you sleep. Thus heart resting.

There are also studies that shows that people with a higher pulse than their normal average is more likely having a death risk if they do not manage to get their pulse lowered to their previous average.

Comment And why can't they sleep? (Score 4, Insightful) 70

This is a chicken-and-egg mystery. Concluding that the health risk is because of bad sleep is just a statistically qualified conclusion.

People often cannot sleep because of a lot of different problems. Most of them are diffuse, and sadly often treated by medicines that just help you sleep or similar.

Finding the cause of why you can't sleep is very time consuming and often impossible by current technology, unless you believe Dr House is a representative of the average doctor.

The heart is a muscle like any other; it needs to have a break. This is called sleep and should last at least 5-6 hours every day. When you cannot sleep, it might be because the circulation of blood is somehow hindered, or something else sending warning signals to our brain that something is wrong. Thus one gets alert and one cannot sleep.

If one has trouble sleeping over a long period, the heart muscle gets tired. A very dangerous situation likely to end in a stroke.

(Mind you, I am not a doctor.)

Comment About the movie "The Great Global Warming Swindle" (Score 1) 1181

I myself is pretty sure about the environment getting a touch of human hand. However the movie "The Great Global Warming Swindle" is a must-watch for seeing both sides of this debate. This is no "bogus" movie. It simply shows that the sun might be the 99% of climate change and human maybe less than 1%.

From Wikipedia: "The programme's publicity materials assert that man-made global warming is "a lie" and "the biggest scam of modern times."

The film stars over 12 professors from well known universities. This movie is an important view of the climate change.

Article on Wikipedia
Watch it on Youtube.

This is not for disturbing debate. It's simply providing another view which was shocking to me.

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