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Comment Re:Why DarkMail? (Score 2) 195

I agree, darkmail makes it sound bad at the start.

But I would go a step further, call it SMTPv2 (if changes to SMTP) or Mail 2.0, or webmail 2.0. A name that has no scariness in it. (other than playing off of web 2.0 crap) It will just sound like the logical next step and doesn't imply anything that the media can take as bad.

Comment Re:1 2 3 4 I declare flame war (Score 2) 976

Maybe you have a chance to man handle a 6'2" 250lb man who's spent 5 of the last 10 years in jail working out, but my wife will use a gun to keep her and kids safe.

You say that there are situations where other self defense should be used rather than a gun, implying that some other thing can stop them, and that you would get other chances. If your or ones you care about are under serious physical threat, then you do what you have to. The best way is to avoid situations like the yelling matches (please see "More Guns, Less Crime" for data on people who CCW are involved with less crime). But when they don't give you a choice, I hope you got a good plan B on your hip.

My wife vs the above man has a better chance when they are both armed, than both not. (50% both armed Guns are the great equalizer. Oh and my wife is a better shot than I am.

I care not about the attacker when it comes to keeping my wife and kids safe. Male/female, 16 or 46, the outcome of the attacker is forfeit. Only after I insure safety of mine, will I consider the safety of the bad guy.

The right to bear arms is the right to carry. Now please stop turning us into victims.

Comment Re:1 2 3 4 I declare flame war (Score 1) 976

I completely agree. The vast majority of people who decide to carry legally are more even headed and are involved in a lot less crime than those who don't. See the book "More guns, Less crime" for data, it also shows pretty good correlation that more guns means less crime and safer streets.

Because we are the type of person who want to be prepared for bad things, we are also the type to avoid bad things. Getting into a shoving match is the result of more than one bad choice.

Nearly half of the conceal class I took was more or less teaching how screwed you are in shooting someone, even if self defense.(see Zimmerman)

However, leaving or running away isn't always an option, when you have family who depend on you to keep them safe.

Comment Re:HELP!!! (Score 1) 95

Here in Utah, Susan Powel disappeared w/o any trace . . .
Nina Reiser disappeared with almost no traces
at least 1 of those Cleveland women found was an adult with next to no traces of foul play

People don't just disappear with out a reason.

The cops are doing this because its a lot of work that shows little results. IE, they feel it's a waste of time.

Comment Re:SOAP (Score 1) 223

There is only on kind of soap that works, the one that ALL the doctors are using, the plain, simple, normal SOAP. No artificial ingredients, no strawberry scent (who wanna to eat soap!!!) nothing.

While most medical staff do indeed use plain soap, surgeons at least, are required to use antibacterial soap.

I thought surgeons scrubbed with iodine.

Comment Re:ballistics (Score 1) 409

I'd rather you shoot at me with birdshot at 50m away than even a 22lr at 100 yards.

The multiple smaller masses energy dissipates faster in our atmosphere.

Not to mention in asteroid, as it enters our atmosphere, there is more surface area, thus more of its mass gets burned up before impact, if impact even occurs.

Comment Re:It's their information if you gave it to them (Score 3, Informative) 472

<i>the real unemployment rate in the U.S. is currently 23%</i>

Source: http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/unemployment-charts

Williams recreates a ShadowStats Alternative unemployment rate reflecting methodology that includes the &ldquo;long-term discouraged workers&rdquo; that the Bureau of Labor Statistics removed in 1994 under the Clinton administration.

The BLS publishes six levels of unemployment, but only the headline U3 unemployment rate gets the press. The headline number does not count &ldquo;discouraged&rdquo; unemployed workers who have not looked for work in the past four weeks because they believe no jobs are available.

Comment Re:Not a Surprise (Score 1) 79

It is speculated our very large moon keeps our mantle nice and hot. But will it keep it hot enough and long enough who knows. Our core isn't as hot as it once was millions of years ago, and our rotation is slowing down.

Now, you may think that our gravity should be keeping the moons core hot, but the moon is locked, the same side if facing us, so no friction.

So, in theory, if we gave mars a large stable satellite, we could heat things up inside.

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