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Comment Re:Irrelevant... (Score 1) 206

I stopped at the third specious argument... I think that was around the fifth sentence.

Pretty much without exception every argument was nonsense.

The price trend is easily tied to ecological regulation.

Oil refineries are paying big taxes and fees that they weren't before. One of the funnier ones requires that they use more ethanol in their fuel then the auto companies will allow them to use. As a result, the oil companies can pay a fine or they can use less then the amount the auto companies consider damaging for the engine. They pay the fine. And that gets passed on to the consumer. Most refineries in the US pay more for this fine then they do for labor. So yes, adding an expense that exceeds labor costs which are often the most expensive component of business operations is going to cause prices to climb.

As to energy pocketing profit from jacking up price. Its true that the government does get a lot of that money. However, they also have limited our ability to drill which has increased the value of sites that can drill which has increased the value of the oil removed from those sites via simple economics. As a result, oil companies ARE making more money because the value of their product by the barrel has increased.

As to conspiracy theories revolving around the ultimate point. I did say that "if I didn't know better" which means I don't believe in the conspiracy which means that implying that I am suggesting one is itself idiotic. Rather, my point was that the environmental movement is not rational or goal orriented in regards to the environment. IF they were, they wouldn't take actions that are this stupid.

As to offloading emotional burden, that is what the keystone pipeline is in the first place. It is not a rational thing to oppose in this way. Its just a political slogan, a symbol, a talking point... for the environmental lobby they don't even know why they oppose it. Its just something to do. Because ironically... they are the sheeple.

And I could go on but to what end... you're a fool and I see no reason to further deconstruct your delusions.

Comment Re:Let 'em (Score 1) 206

If you raise the price of food we'll still buy it so you shouldn't try to discourage us from using food by interfering with the supply.

Inelastic goods.

Energy is effectively inelastic. Its also a core resource. Its right there with food and water. And you're fucking with it.

Its a basic economic concept.

You're out of your depth. All you're doing is hurting poor people and making everyone angry.

Comment Re:What the hell is this article? (Score 1) 243

So... just to be clear... you wouldn't mind the CEO of a company scheduling a meeting with a congress person to talk about a problem they're having with a new law etc? Because if that's okay, then I don't have a problem.

Look, we have a right to redress grievances with the government. Corps should be able to do that just like anyone else.

Where I think we agree is that neither the corps nor the unions should be able to donate MONEY to politicians.

Talking is fine. I don't mind the union talking to the politicians or the corps talking to the politicians. Talking is fine. The money can't change hands. That is the issue. The money. Not the lobbying. I know the two are often seen as the same thing but they're not. Lobbying is just asking for a law to be changed or giving congress your perspective on things. I have no problem with that. Its the bribery and quid pro quo activity that needs to stop.

Comment Re:Irrelevant... (Score 1) 206

Actually I'm not saying that keystone is single handedly responsible for all price cost increases in the petroleum industry both in the US and internationally...

That is your rebuttal... and it is stupid. What I am saying is that ALL the anti petroleum policies collectively are just raising the price of oil which increases the incentive to produce it.

Now might the oil companies make less profits if you tax and regulate the shit out of them? Sure... but their revenue is still going to be sky high. That revenue means that SOMEONE is making a mint in the transaction. And the more you screw with the supply the higher the costs will get and the more money will flow into the petroleum industry to compensate.

Understand. I want to get us off petroleum as well. But I'd like to do it in a way that is ACTUALLY effective and doesn't inadvertently harm lots of people that are just trying to live their lives.

This is because I am neither a moron nor a sadist. Which in my opinion everyone pursuing the current policies is of one flavor or another.

What is my grand idea for getting us off this stuff?

1. Invest in RESEARCH for green technology.

2. Offer tax breaks for investments into green tech companies. You could even go so far as to offer ZERO capital gains taxes on specific types of companies. That would cause wallstreet to flood the industry with hundreds of billions of dollars.

3. Be patient and wait for the tech to develop. Do not force people to use the new tech. If everything works properly, then the new tech should simply out compete the old tech.

4. Consider decentralizing the utilities. Green technology lends itself to this model. We have off grid houses that are entirely self sufficient. The trend should be to push more and more homes especially in suburban and rural areas in that direction. Urban areas are problem because they're so dense that they require large centralized facilities to supply them. In the case of urban areas, explicitly link the population and consumption of every given city to specific sources of power, water, etc. And then limit growth through zoning to what those supplies can offer the city. If a city exceeds its ability to supply itself then it should be compelled to either build additional infrastructure or forbid additional growth.

The above are just some simple ideas that would have an effect not immediately but over time. Attacking the petroleum industry when we have no alternative is idiotic or sadistic.

Comment Re:Irrelevant... (Score 1) 206

Everything is an exploitation.

There is no solution.

All you will EVER get is an exploitation.

The goal is to have an optimal exploitation that has the most reasonable cost benefit curve.

Fuck with the energy supply and you make it more profitable to supply it.

You're not helping anyone. You're just hurting people. You're not even helping the environment which is to say the interests of non-people.

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