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Comment Re:Simple rule, actually (Score 2) 749

[citation needed]

I would start with the excellent site by Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism. The writers there are not wild-eyed ideologues, but people who have spent careers in the financial industry, working at pretty high levels. They've been all over this story since the Wikileaks documents broke. Remember, it was Wikileaks that published the secret TPP documents as well, which put the efforts to push that treaty through the tunnel on its heels, at least temporarily. Sunshine can be a great disinfectant.


And in case you need a citation regarding sunlight being a disinfectant, I would give you none other than the great Louis Brandeis:

Comment Re:Well. (Score 1) 749

I would say 30 years, but it is arguable. Though I would say the era from just before Theodore Roosevelt through JFK was a period of trustbusting and Glass-Steagall, which together led to a period of real prosperity and greater, more equal, freedom for working people and along with that, minorities and women.

But there's no question that starting in 1980 with the executive orders gutting financial regulation, the fascism has been in full bloom.

Comment Re:Simple rule, actually (Score 4, Informative) 749

The TISA is classified so investment groups wouldn't take advantage of it before it went into effect, thus screwing you and I over.

For five years after it becomes law?

Also, it's been in negotiation for 2 fucking decade, so not really 'Obama'.

Exactly right. This treaty, which creates corporate sovereignty, is being negotiated in secret...from us. Do you really believe for a moment that it's also secret from the companies that will benefit, like Goldman Sachs?

Every president for the past 30 years has been playing for the same team. And the team does not include us.

Comment Re:Simple rule, actually (Score 5, Informative) 749

It's interesting that right at this moment, the Obama Adminstration is pushing an international treaty that will make it so that corporations do not have to comply with a country's laws. It's called "TISA" and it's so bad that it was supposed to be secret for five years after it's ratified and put into action. We only know about it because Wikileaks released a leaked portion of it.

Secret laws being adjudicated in secret courts. All at the behest of corporations who then want (like Microsoft) to not have to comply. It's a pretty ugly type of fascism.

Comment Re:Long term plan? (Score 1) 749

The best the US administration can hope for here is to shatter the US software industry into a thousand small associated companies with strict data sharing agreements to handle overseas data.

That might not be so bad. The notion that the internet is some wild frontier where no laws apply, because technology is a pretty weak one.

Comment Re:Will this affect overseas profits tax evasion? (Score 1) 749

Tax evasion is illegal. Tax avoidance, which is what these companies are practicing, is not.

I've heard this argument from neoliberals on CNBC. It reminds me of a teenager whose parents catch him high as a kite: "You said I shouldn't smoke pot. You didn't say anything about cooking it in brownies and eating it."

It's a reminder about why corporations are regulated. They will do their best to circumvent laws using lawyers, unless they can be sufficiently frightened into behaving. Human beings are capable of discerning right and wrong and society holds them accountable. Corporations' charters specifically require that they not discern between right and wrong and then avoid accountability by saying, "But I didn't pinky swear!".

Comment If it is like MacOSX I could go for it (Score 0) 346

Macosx has its applets but on a desktop. The taskbar and start is there with applets running on a real desktop. Unplug keyboard and start stretches into full screen for tablets. DONE

I want aero back is my last complaint but that is soooo skeumorphism sigh. I think win 8 is anti skeumorphism taken to extremes.

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