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User Journal

Journal Journal: Bali bombing and Indonesian military

Wimar Witoelar, a respected Indonesian academic, has suggested that the Indonesian military are among the suspects for the Bali bombing. Kopassus, the counter-insurgency force, was also linked to the murder of a West Papuan leader, Theys Eluay.

Wimar Witoelar isn't the only person with such suspicions.

If Kopassus is responsible, it wouldn't surprise me, given that organisations' record of atrocities in East Timor

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is a public service announcement with guitar...

Things are getting scary in New York, not to mention in the USA in general.

It's doubly disturbing that civil liberties have been eroded in response to the atrocities of September 11th, 2001.

  1. It limits the freedoms of many innocent people who are not terrorists.
  2. It does little to actually bring the remaining September 11th attackers to justice.

Big Ashcroft is Watching You

To quote the Clash: "Know your rights".

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Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (5) All right, who's the wiseguy who stuck this trigraph stuff in here?
