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Comment Re:The real hero (Score 3, Insightful) 73

Looks like you did not read the article, but this is slashdot after all.

He talks about teamwork. Individuals contribute, but group dynamics are very important, and perhaps a deserve larger share of the success than any individual.

By picking someone out as the hero you are committing the same errors as in the past.

Comment Overpriced CDROM (Score 3, Insightful) 288

I tried to by Britannica CD in 90s. They were charging almost as much as paper edition. It was only in early 2000s when they realized the error of their ways.

They could have sewn up the encyclopedia market but their high price was unjustifiable in the light of substantially cheaper offerings such as Encarta.

Sure, Encarta is not as good as Britannica but it's good enough for most kids. This is the key point: good enough is the enemy of perfect.

Comment My take on it (too little far too late) (Score 2) 90

I have the 64Gig playbook and I've been playing with the new OS. Here is my opinion.

RIM still has a lot of work to do. Their device still needs a lot of polish to just be on par with the iPad. Then they need to provide some earth-shattering software to make it worth buying.

One critical failure they have is that they do not have software "showing off" their hardware. Rumors have it that the Playbook has a GPS, compass etc. I have no way of knowing that. They have an impressive spreadsheet and word-processor. It doesn't matter because most tablets are consumption devices. They need to have a very good pdf reader. What they included is barely passable.

They need to improve their music player. I could rant all day about this but here are a few points. You can't upload by album. You can't list by album. You can play music on external bluetooth speakers.

I'm seething now. Let me stop

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