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Comment Re:Valued by Results (Score 5, Insightful) 328

This is so true and so rarely discussed. Adam Smith--so beloved of talking-head capitalists--thought publicly held corporations were a terrible idea, but somehow that part of the message never comes up on CNBC when they're discussing the invisible hand. P.J.O'Rourke wrote a book about Smith's Wealth of Nations and even called the old man out for his error--too early. Turns out, the raping of great companies through the blindness of their absentee owners is just one of those disasters that takes a while to play out, like democracies voting themselves into bankruptcy. I'd say we're making good progress toward collapse on both fronts now, though.

Comment Strange Statistics (Score 1) 136

From TFA:

I saw an average flaw density of 24 flaws per megabyte of executable code and a median flaw density of 3 flaws per megabyte of executable code.

Seriously? I don't claim to be learned in the art and science of software QA, but WTF is up with this? Apparently, a relative handful of programs are pulling the average quality way, way down. Is there no way to identify these abortions and abort them?

Comment Re:No (Score 5, Informative) 601

I believe that would be a "no" unless you consider parading your message past Google, who probably keeps a bigger file on you than any other entity, private. And it might be a worse than that--saying it's only Google that sees the message assumes that Google doesn't decrypt the message in one facility, send it from that data center to another in the clear, then re-encrypt and send to your recipient. Whose to say your mail server is in the same facility as his just because both accounts are with Google?

Comment Re:What could possibly go wrong (Score 1) 416

I dread that we will see another Kent State before this is over.

You're not the only one. The other day I was watching a televised report of one of the recent cases of police "over-zealousness" with my wife. Assuming she was paying attention to the TV, and in a reference to the rising tension in the country, I muttered, "Four dead in O-Hi-O." Apparently she had been lost in her own thoughts, because when she realized what I had just said, she jerked her head around and said, "Not again!"

Interesting times.

Comment Re:What an Unreadable and Horrible Summary (Score 2) 386

Fortunately, this "technology" is so primitive that it's worse than useless for its purpose. For instance, if I want to know what variant of "mother-fucker" I will slip through the filter, I just scan the list for suggestions until I note that "mothafucka" is blocked, but "motherfucka" isn't. If I have an irresistible urge to blaspheme, I might note that "goddamn" is blocked, but its synonym "goddamned" is not. Also, "Blow me, you dipshit," seems to be A-Okay.

But, what really sucks about it, as usual, is the damage it does to legitimate expression. Saying "orgasm" is a crime? I can't write "vagina" or "smut"? "Retard" might be an offensive noun, but I don't know anybody who objects to the verb.

People who think up shit like this suck.

Comment Re:Give it a few tries and go with what's fastest (Score 1) 514

I second this post. There are too many options/variables when you mow a large irregular space and too many possibilities that won't be considered by one-algorithm-fits-all solutions. How much is your mower's maneuverability degraded as speed goes up--would you be better off with a solution that had more straight lines but let you go faster? How about that little patch that sticks off the northwest corner--are you better off fitting it into the big pattern, or do you leave it until last, then deadhead over to get it separately? What is your system for trimming up the portions your big mower can't get to (or are there any of those?)--is it better to get every last bit you can with the zero-turn, or since you have to get the walk-behind out anyway, are you just wasting time getting every last blade you can with the big mower?

I think trying to solve this with a computer is like writing a program to compose an email to your mother. You probably get better results faster if you just do it yourself.

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