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Comment Re:I blame racism (Score 1) 4

except Natalie, of Natalie's Cakes N More bakery, is African American.

I notice that a bunch of rich white conservatives though got together to support her:

The only thing faster than the rioting, is this GoFundMe account, in which she's not only got back the $20,000 needed to rebuild her bakery, but a good year's salary in the bank besides.

Comment Who doesn't (Score 1) 11

I don't need to know so much who's supporting a candidate, because that only matters if I already know that they don't have solid beliefs themselves and are primarily just doing what their supporters want.
What politician has solid beliefs?

Comment Every dog is entitled to one bite. (Score 1) 219

The consequences which follow from a $10,000 fine and a guilty plea to a federal misdemeanor hacking charge are not trivial.

His usefulness to Anonymous is at an end --- the collective will be wondering about how much he had to offer in exchange for a plea bargain.

Pleading down to a misdemeanor is common enough for a first offender. But that is a card you can play only once.

Comment Re:Ross Perot is awesome! (Score 1) 126

Did you actually read the article? He didn't ask for the ENIAC, specifically. They could have just grabbed an old IBM, but the guy assigned the project kicked it up a few notches. Parts of it are still unaccounted for, and one panel they recovered was destroyed. The missing panels would have to be recreated from plans-- if they still exist-- and the existing ones would have to be extensively repaired.

Comment Re:Ross Perot is awesome! (Score 1) 126

I have to agree that if we had a runoff system, people would probably stop complaining about the elector system that they know nothing about. Having a de facto two party system is simply not working. We probably should get rid of physical electors to streamline the process, but the idea of citizens electing their president through the states is a logical, consistent one.

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