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Comment Learn the lesson (Score 2) 363

Next time if you want to rip off people, swindle them out of their money, flaunt your condescendence towards the law and be a scourge of society, run a bank. Not only is it far more efficient than some petty drug dealing, it's also safer. The worst that can happen if things go wrong is that you get bailed out.

Comment Re:And who's paying her now? (Score 1) 184

I stopped caring a while ago. Why should I? Most idiots don't care that they're being lied to. Those that do already noticed the same I did: It doesn't matter that you notice it. It's not like you can do anything about it.

Right now, I'm just sitting here, waiting for our economy to collapse in the vain hope that something better might emerge. I just don't really think there will be anything better. Different maybe, but better, hardly. Human won't change. And whether this or that asshole rules us, and this or that asshole lies to us, where's the difference? In the end it's like voting, you may only choose the person, group or entity that is given the right to fill their pockets at your expense. The option that you'd get someone who doesn't do it simply does not exist.

So apologies if I just sit here, relax and watch the world burn. Fighting windmills is more a pastime of the younger generations.

Comment And who's paying her now? (Score 1) 184

The problem about propaganda, especially in this day and age, is that everyone does it. I wouldn't be too surprised if the same shit goes down on our side of the fence. Just 'cause our media are "free" doesn't mean that they have to tell the truth. It only means their lies may be different from the government's.

Seriously, I'd pay for a halfway decent, balanced NEWS system that gives me news instead of propaganda of this or that flavor. How long 'til the definition of "impartial" is to watch both sides of the propaganda in the vain hope to maybe find the truth in the blend?

Journalism is dead. What matters is sensationalism and entertainment.

Comment Re:APPS? x86 *APPS* (Score 1) 82

What the fuck ever happened to "program", "application", "software", or "code"?

It's never been unusual to call a program an application even in the Unix or PC world, but it's been standard to call programs "apps" in the Mac community since forever, because they have been known as "applications" in the official MacOS system parlance since forever - hence the file type flag of APPL and not PROG, SOFT, or CODE.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 366

I think it's pretty amazing that spacecraft can survive at all out there, given the sort of particles flying around - individual cosmic rays with the energy of fast-pitch baseballs. Thankfully, particles with such high energy have tiny cross sections (they prefer to move through matter rather than interact with it), and when they do hit something and create a shower of particles, most of the progeny is likewise super-high energy and will most likely just move through whatever it's in.

It's more interesting when they strike the atmosphere - each collision creates a new shower of other high energy particles, more and more, spreading out the energy as they descend. In the end, detectors on the surface over an area of dozens of square kilometers simultaneously pick up different pieces of the same cascade kicked off by a single cosmic ray collision.

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