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Comment Re:Julian Assange (Score 1) 317

It should have been Assange, yes. But even assuming it's *not* going to be Assange, why the hell should it be Mark Zuckerberg? What makes him the person of this particular year? Did Facebook do anything new in 2010 while I was avoiding it like the plague?

Comment Re:Great news.. 'coz Julian Assange is a total cow (Score 0) 333

Why in the world is he not leaking any real secrets of how governments are run, their atrocities and human rights violations in China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela or the operational details along with hideout locations of drug lords of Mexico, Columbia, and alike ?

You're right! Because right now, everybody loves those guys.

The media characterization of those countries may be one-sided, but not in a positive way.

Comment Re:Squeezing more money from it? (Score 1) 409

I've never really agreed with his premise that movies are always "unfinished projects" you can go back and revise at will, though. IMO, you're supposed to give your best effort and consider it a one-shot opportunity. When the final product comes out in the theater, it's "finished", for better or for worse.

There really is no "should" in art. Some artist will always eventually ignore those "should"s and later be labeled a genius for it.

I don't think that person will be George Lucas, though.

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