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Comment Re:Exercising "roughly the same amount" (Score 1) 399

You've hit the nail on the head.

Our bodies require a specific amount of protein, fat, and various trace elements daily. Protein specifically, will be stolen from muscles to keep organs healthy, if there is a deficit.

If the food is formulated incorrectly, you need more of it to get that base requirement.

Women, often having less muscle on their body, require a different diet than men. And sure, there are variations in metabolism and absorbtion....

So, I wonder what the diet was? One prepared scientifically, or one conforming to political silliness.

Comment Re:Sounds like he hasn't gotten the message (Score 1) 993


Hate is most certainly deserved. How you treat someone, hate or not -- well, that's a different matter.

However, part of the 'hate' aspect is that the way that systemd is making it into the kernel, and into every distro, is not based upon traditional meritocratic principles. It is not that Lennart is not skilled, merely that he holds incredible influence and political power through Redhat. And, that Redhat's power and tendrils spread everywhere, including the Gnome foundation.

This political power is FORCING systemd into distros. Some distros (like Debian) are doing what they can to defang systemd and including it... but it becomes more onerous daily.

Without this political power, systemd would NOT be where it is today. It would ABSOLUTELY not be in Debian, and many other distros. While you may contests some of my points above, one thing that is an actual fact is that this is the key reason for the hate.

Not the software. Not the quality of the product. Rather, the use of political power (intended or not!) based upon Redhat's money, instead of based upon merit. And yet, Redhat has done a lot of things for the community based upon that money, but this one is a TRAGEDY. And, that political power is bypassing all of the traditional checks and bounds the community has, which would normally FORCE an author of a product to shape up, or see his product ostracized!

And that, most certainly, is deserving of hate. And further? It isn't only Lennart that my hate is targeted ate. I see him as a problem, and Redhat as the real target.

Lastly. Redhat. I started with Redhat 4 (not RHEL) in 96. I switched to Debian as soon as possible, because back then? Debian wasn't just twice the product, or 10 times the product... Redhat was a *joke* comparatively.

It should be known, and it *is* known by anyone with a sense of history, that Redhat and most other commercialized distros learned MANY THINGS from Debian. The list of firsts is endless. The adoption by Redhat and others, was a constant catch-up game.

Fast forward almost 20 years. As expected, many of the 'core' things, such as online updates (yum = apt), automatic dependency resolution, installation of a distro in a 'secure' state, the list goes on, have been adopted by Redhat. And, in my profession, I work with many distros on a daily basis.

And Redhat? Every time I work with it, I find bugs that you would never find in Debian. Every. Single. Time. Their QA process is not up to snuff. Hell, I've even run into *their own configuration tools* not working, on a point release (should be more bugs squashed), and this from a company with the cash for QA that Redhat has!

My point? This poor dev methodology is showing with the hap-hazard adoption of systemd by Redhat. Its inclusion and dependency by Gnome, via Redhat's influence, is a CLEAR indicator of the problems internal to development at Redhat. What baked design philosophy would allow for a dependency on a project that has *no* *clear* *design* *specification*. Systemd has grown enormously, has morphed and changed repeatedly, and before it has even stabilized as a product?

Everything depends upon it?!

This is so ass backwards, it is like designing a car body, when the size, power, or weight distribution of the engine has not even been determined!

No. Hate is deserved. How you treat someone, hate or not -- well, that's a different matter.

But the hate? It deserves to exist.

Comment Re:Thank God (Score 3, Insightful) 328

But they are developing their electric own cars. All car manufacturers are.

The lobbying is a tool they are using, the laws, to hold back Telsa until they have a suitably competitive product to sell.

Once that happens, it won't matter is a Telsa can sell direct ... the big boys can crush them with advertising and normal market pressure.

Comment Re:Some of the oldest trades become useful. (Score 1) 737

It is only in the modern world, that pampered people think that being pregnant is somehow going to marginalize their ability to work.

If there is no birth control, as a result of a lack of any tech required to provide it, you'll be a farmer.

Why? Because... crop yields will be pitiful, pesticides will be non-existant, there won't be tractors, and ... let's face it, the modern woman will be in far better shape than she traditionally is. And of course, the same goes for the male of the species.

There's a vast difference between 10 hour, 6 day a week, solid days of physical activity -- every single day, and a workout that people might have occassionally in our modern society. No one, and I repeat no one, works like our ancestors did.

Just imagine every single job, from washing clothes, to building houses, all without any form of mechanized aid.

So, as a farmer, neither you or anyone else will be taking it easy. You'll be in the best shape you can be, under whatever circumstances you're living in.

You'll be working until the day you give birth. And, you'll be back on your feet a few days after the pregnancy, and working again. And frankly?

There's zero reason to not be on your feet the next day.

Pregnancy is *normal*, a woman's body is designed to be pregnant 9 months of the year. It doesn't put any strain on the body. It's not difficult. It's *NORMAL*.

So, get used to it. You'll be popping out kids... and working at the same time. And guess what? Your husband will be working his ass off as well. You *both* will be. You'll both be working your asses off, and you'll see your feeble efforts as insufficient, while watching 1/2 your children, or more, die.

People don't realise how dangerous the world was. How dangerous it still is. I recall reading a news story, in the 20s, of someone having their arm broken in a construction accident.



It got infected, sulfa didn't help him, and that was that. Something that, tragically, a few years later wouldn't even been considered a problem.

Modern knowledge won't help without antibiotics, vaccines, you name it. It sure as hell won't help without cirtrus fruit, or vitamins (that are required when you can't grow all the foods you eat now). Your kids are going to die.

They'll die from a *scratch*. They'll die from premature child birth, from something that an ultrasound could see and that could be fixed, because of malnutrition and disease and wolves and falling down. They'll die from the simpliest of flus, and from colds. They'll die from food poisoning.

So, quite frankly? You'll do it. Period.

Just like any other type of work, you'll do it. Just like men will. Like everyone will. Whatever is required, for the community to survive and thrive, you'll do it, he'll do it, we'll all do it.

Or, be marginalised and seen for what you are.

A selfish, childish, leech on society.

After all, your first thought was "I don't want to...". Not, "We'd better all pull together!", or "I need to help!"...

Do you think men will want to return to the days, where they had to do their part to provide for 8 kids. And grandma and grandpa?

Nope.. but, they'll do it too.

Comment Re:Some of the oldest trades become useful. (Score 1) 737

In one respect, I don't think you need to concern yourself with birth control.

If we maintain a level of scientific sophisitication, that allows us to continue to produce birth control products (condoms aren't that hard, for example)... then all is well. If not -- then, I think we'll be requiring LOTS of children, because we won't have vaccines, proper health care, and conditions will essentially be somewhat harsher.

We'll *need* 8 kids born per family, as many of them won't make it to adult hood.

Comment Re:rackspace?! (Score 2) 67

The sad part is, I did hold back. Mostly, due to post length and the fact that I don't want to spend the next week writing it up.

Suffice it to say, that I have an archive of 100s of Rackspace emails, and 60 or 70 phone calls, all stored because we were positive we'd have to sue their ass.

Yes, they were that bad, and showed that much incompetence.

Comment rackspace?! (Score 4, Insightful) 67


Wait, what?!

Rackspace is the most *horribly* run hosting service of all time. I could go on for hours and hours and HOURS describing how inept and incapable they are.

From months to source SSDs, to providing horrible support, and utter incompetence on the part of their staff... I mean, they're HORRIBLE! Just plain horrible. If any of their automation breaks down? Well, good luck getting help FAST. I mean, if a VM move fails, well.. maybe you'll get help in 24 *hours*.

Maybe. If it's the weekend, well.. or at night... well, after all, people only use the internet during the day!

And if anything is even slightly outside of the box? Good luck with that!

No, no, no. Not to mention, expensive. I was saddled with these boneheads when a PHB decided they were a great idea! Meanwhile, they take MORE time out of your day, than just maintaining hardware servers in a data center, because if anything goes wrong?

Well, emails, calls, conferences, blah blah blah. In 1/10th of the time it would take for rackspace to fix ANYTHING, I could just tell a traditional data center to reboot my box, or install a new one.

Hell, I've had VMs@Rackspace that were HUNG, that would NOT respond to the web console reboot command. TIme to get that fixed? HOURS. Christ, just GET IT FIXED.

And cost? COST! PHB made me use these boneheads. We leased two Dell R720s. For the cost of 3 MONTHS worth of the lease, I could have bought a better equipped R720! Or, hey, maybe TWO Supermicro servers!

Rackspace is a time sucking hole in the ground. It's "expert" admins will suck your time away. Hell, I had to put off dozens of projects, whilst I dealt with their constant and continual fuckups, the phone calls, the emails, the explaining to them how to fix simple thing!

Heck, don't even get me started with Rackconnect, good god. Worse, buggy as hell as it is (or at least was), they had all sorts of problems with their automated iptables scripts. I snag it, debug it, and realise that some conehead there can't write simple bash...

Fix it...

Report the fix...

And am still suck with months, I repeat MONTHS of their script being used on my boxes, with no way to replace it (it was scp'd in on boot), and therefore broken firewall rules all over the place. MONTHS, when I provided them with a fix! A ONE LINE FIX AT THAT!

No, no, no, no, NO they are horrible, stay away, run the other way, my god stay the hell away from Rackspace, the most useless company on the planet!

If any of you, I repeat ANY of you want more detailed info, please let me know.... I hope they burn in flames as they go down into a tarpit in hell!

Comment Re:No backups?! (Score 1) 192

Don't hate me. ;) Typically, you do a full backup every $x period of time.

Trusting that your *only* full backup is good, isn't a great policy either. I tend to do full backups every quarter, but it depends upon the data set, and of course, the size of the data set. If the data set is trivial... then who cares? Do it weekly.

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