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Comment $11K? Another sites says $14K (Score 1, Insightful) 804


But this has happened before.

Initially Apple gear can boast this kind of disparity; then, in fairly short order, PC hardware which exceeds Apple specs arrives and sells at a cheaper price point due to economies of scale.

Apple then holds onto the original specs for years (the last Mac Pro being a perfect example), until they are forced to retool. I'll even go out on a limb and predict a five year interim before we see another significant revision.

Comment Re:Yet Another CGI Superhero Movie (Score 2) 233

" But with Marvel squeezing out films..."

I think you mean *Disney* squeezing out films; considering they bought Marvel in 2009 for an epic [at the time] $4BN US.

IMO, the Kingdom of the Perpetual Mickey should be viewed as pop culture's Microsoft. They really seem to have traded "You can design and create" for "Embrace and extend", as their core business strategy.

Comment A new clause needed for "public service" (Score 4, Insightful) 242

Institute something modeled after the standard non-compete clause used by industry; except it would prevent any individual from holding a government position which directly regulates, affects or promotes the same sector or type of business they left the private sector for, to become a public servant.

Conversely, once leaving public service, the individual would be enjoined from contacting officials on behalf of, promoting, lobbying or attempting to influence legislation for any business or industry, for a period of three years.

A perfect clause would prevent someone from taking a job in any industry, after lobbying on its behalf, for a period of five years.

Which would stop crap like this.

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