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Comment Re:Good news (Score 1) 422

Except Lucas didn't direct or write Empire, and he didn't direct or solely write Jedi. He came up with the story, and then other people wrote the screenplay and directed it. I think George Lucas isn't too bad at coming up with plot, but he's not so great at writing or directing. We've all heard the stories about how Star Wars was originally a rather terrible film that was saved in editing, but compare the quality of the dialog between Star Wars and Empire. There's a huge improvement between the two...

Comment Re:They cured my acme, the cancer patient said.... (Score 2) 422

Many of my problems with Into Darkness had to do with problems with the film itself, rather than as a Star Trek fan. Now, I've still got problems with it as a Star Trek film, but more on the level that they poorly copied something existing instead of coming up with something new. I think that the elements that they copied didn't work because they were trying to force many of them in for the purpose of making references rather than to make the film work. Even then, that's not really a problem because I'm a fan, it's a problem because of lack of originality, something not unique to Trek.

My main problems, though, were that they decided to fill the film with too much deus ex machina. It's like they wrote themselves into corners, and then decided to just do crazy stuff to resolve it that didn't make much sense, or that seem like they didn't think through the plot consequences. Like the whole "Did they just cure death with the magic blood? So death isn't a problem going forward?" issue.

That's not bad Trek, that's bad film-making.

Comment Re:Less creepiness (Score 1) 324

Sure. Literally, it did not.

In context? Switch out some of the nouns and verbs, and you get:

s/they/women/; #(men can get raped too) s/google glass/short skirts/; s/Glassholes/Sluts In Short Skirts/; #update pejorative s/punch/rape/; #update verb s/America/Saudi Arabia/; #helps my metaphor

You get:

Unless Saudi Women can make their short skirts less sexy, people are still going to want to rape Sluts In Short Skirts.

Sure, literally that does not justify it because they don't use the word justified.

But who are we kidding here? You insert a victim-blaming aspect into a situation that involves violence, but want to pretend that gives no justification to the perpetrator.

You're not fooling me.

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