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Comment Re:Time to end the military industrial complex (Score 4, Informative) 506

You jest, but programs where drug abusers are allowed to do a free, limited, government funded amount of drugs in a safe environment actually decrease criminality, and costs to society, and generally improve the situation of the users and the environment where they would normally roam:

So, while doing away with Medicare isn't a very good idea, 'free [strictly regulated] meth' is probably a very good one.

Comment Re:Makes sense to me... (Score 1) 161

Coding while someone is talking nearby can be downright impossible

Only if you are interested in what they are saying.

I can happily program away with somebody sitting right next to me and addressing me directly. Also, listening to music with intelligible lyrics is no problem at all. Having the a video playing while programming is also no problem whatsoever.

The key here is that I can only focus on one stream at the same time and will not process the words of the other stream at all. If I focus on my programming, you could say to me that a beautiful and sexually skilled nymfomaniac is waiting for me in the next room and I would have no recollection of that a minute later. I might have a subconsciously induced boner, but I would probably attribute that to looking at my sexy, sexy code.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

I was only engaging in this 'discussion' because you were modded +4.
To be honest, I don't give a shit about what you believe to be true and I sure as hell am not going to do your googling for you on a subject that is completely irrelevant to my original point.

"Energy is becoming rapidly less expensive because of modern technologies."
This remains true, as you have said nothing that refutes it.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were blind and slightly retarded. Otherwise, you would have clearly seen the bit where I said 'and that is without subsidies' and you would have understood the concept of [fingerquotes]making money[/fingerquotes].

My apologies.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

I must have missed the part where you said or implied anything about 'centennial timescales'. I guess the redundant and false claim that solar 'isn't cheap right now', indicating a painful lack of understanding of the phrase 'is becoming' threw me off.

Anyway, you've never actually looked at the data, have you?
In a lot of places solar has become economically very viable (i.e., you make money on it in within 15 years). And that is without subsidies and including the cost of a battery array for a day of power.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 888

This got modded +4 Interesting, really?

Energy is becoming rapidly less expensive because of modern technologies.

Bollocks. [...] Solar may get to the point where it will be cheap but it certainly is not at that point right now.

Learn to read, learn to reason or just keep your mouth shut.

Comment Re:Become? (Score 1) 184

Actually, if you use Chrome, ScriptSafe can be set to allow Javascript for the domain you're visiting. This still negates a lot of the security risks, yet allows most of the functionality to work for properly programmed websites, without further interaction.
The only annoyances are having to whitelist scripts from affiliated domains or domains that provide useful external features such as Youtube or Disqus, especially when they trigger a cascade of script inclusions.

When some website refuses to function properly without (temporarily) whitelisting all their crap, I either stop caring about the content or accept the risk and fire up Firefox (where no Javascript blocking occurs).

Comment Re:936-style passwords are kinda easy to crack now (Score 1) 299

Whether those 'silly website accounts' being hacked is a problem depends on the amount of personal non-public information you have stored there. If enough information is compromised, it becomes really easy to use that information for social engineering purposes. They could simply call up your bank and tell them that 'you have moved to a new address and that you lost your bank card and need a new one'. Usually even they accept things like your DOB as valid identification. Retarded, but true more often than not.

That's why I'm born on 01-01-1970 when anybody who (or entity that) has no fucking business knowing my birth date asks.

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