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Comment let's take this to the next step.... (Score 1) 263

airplanes "fly" by making the air they're going through go through a longer route on their top side, /--\, than their bottom side, ___, but in the same amount of time, thereby creating lower pressure above them: the pressure difference raises them. Problem is you need to keep moving.

But imagine for a moment if instead of the airplane we turned to ... the dirigible.

Imagine if you could change the average density of the WHOLE body to be less than the surrounding "air" (water).

You would have to somehow find something that weighed less than water.

In a normal dirigible, where you have to find something lighter than the surrounding air, you fill it with helium/hydrogen/or hot air (which is less dense). But for an "underwater" dirigible?

Well since AIR is ligher than water, imagine if you had hollow sections filled with AIR!

You could have balloons of air, let's call these "ballasts". If you wanted to go lower in the water, you would fill these "ballasts", with seawater from "outside", and when you need to "ascend" again you could drive the water back out (filling the "ballast" from tanks of compressed air).

It might just be crazy enough to work!


Cancer Drug Found; Scientist Annoyed 349

sporkme writes "A scientist was frustrated when the compound she was working with (called PPAR-gamma) destroyed her sample of cancer cells. Further research revealed that the substance was surprisingly well suited as a cancer treatment. Lab test results on mice resulted in the destruction of colon tumors without making the mice sick." Quoting: "'I made a calculation error and used a lot more than I should have. And my cells died,' Schaefer said. A colleague overheard her complaining. 'The co-author on my paper said, "Did I hear you say you killed some cancer?" I said "Oh," and took a closer look.' ... [They found that the compound killed] 'pretty much every epithelial tumor cell lines we have seen.'" Update: 02/15 17:27 GMT by KD : As reader CorporalKlinger pointed out, PPAR-gamma is a cellular receptor, not a compound; and this news is not particularly new.

Amazon One-Click Patent to be Re-Examined 132

timrichardson writes "A New Zealand actor, frustrated by a poor shopping experience, has successfully requested that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office review the correctness of Amazon's infamous One-Click patent. An examiner for the agency ruled that the re-examination requested by Peter Calveley had raised a 'substantial new question of patentability' affecting Amazon's patent, according to a document outlining the agency's decision."

IBM Creates Ring Oscillator on a Single Nanotube 159

deeptrace writes "IBM has combined CMOS circuitry and a single carbon nanotube to implement a 5 stage ring oscillator. Even though the oscillator runs at just 52 MHz, they expect that it could reach the GHz range with improvements. The frequency of the current oscillator was higher than previous circuits using multiple nanotubes. IBM describes the achievement in the paper "Integrated Logic Circuit Assembled on a Single Carbon Nanotube" to be published this week in the journal Science."

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