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Comment Re: Politics aside for a moment. (Score 1) 538

This seems to be a complaint about the convenience of quickly collecting and/or processing, not necessarily about "breaking the rules". You seem to be mixing up multiple concerns here.

If she CC'd her messages "properly", it appears she can satisfy the rule as written, even if such would make life difficult for investigators. The rule said nothing about making data easy to collect.

Nobody has produced clear evidence so far that she failed to CC properly. I suspect there may have been times that she forgot every now and then, but that may not be enough to bust her on. They'd probably have to show malicious intent.

Comment Re:If I can make it here I can make it anywhere... (Score 2) 734

you talk about china? of course people in china want to leave. and, lets be honest, they have NO IDEA what the hell the US is really about. even when they move here, they stay together and don't mix (its true even though you may not like this fact) and after 5 years here, they will still not really know what the US is truly about. its a romantic view of what the marketing wants you to believe. it used to be true decades ago, but now, I would not suggest coming here.

now, lets talk europe. if you are in europe, you are already in a modern free society. why ruin that and come to the US?

seriously. the US has nothing over europe if you are already in europe and not used to living in the US. europe has jobs, good lifestyle, freedom, etc. I'm not seeing a good reason to give that up and move here.

I'm in my 50's and spent all my life in the US. I have traveled abroad (unlike most americans) and I do know what I'm talking about. I am not planning on leaving, but I can still see that for newcomers, it would not be a great place and where you are is probably already better than what you will FIND here once you get here.

the storybook is a lie. it was great marketing, but its still a lie. don't come here expecting the land of opportunity. unless you are already rich, white, christian and well connected.

Comment Re:Why Force Your Children to Live in the Past? (Score 5, Insightful) 734

no, I agree with jeremiah.

we have failed. we are a failure. some may not see it, but we will implode sooner or later and then, all hell will break loose.

there is NO plan for sustainability, here. we keep spending on wars and hostility and yet we let 'home repairs' go undone. for decades, now, we have done this.

we are the country of 'dumbing down'; we have the worst healthcare system in the world; we let people go homeless if they lose their jobs and can't find a new one quickly enough; we have crime rates that are astronomical; we have half of the country thinking the world is a few thousand years old and that half also denies science whenver possible.

we are no shining example of what a good country is, anymore. our politics are a mess, our spies are ruining WORLD WIDE security for everyone and we are the main cause of this kind of escalation.

don't even get me started on the work environment here. very little maternity leave, no paternity leave, a recent push for no sick time or vacation time (they lump it all together) and we also have the shortest amount of vacation time compared to all the modern countries. our corporations work the workers to death and then dispose of them, IF you can even GET a job in the US (h1b, yes! born here, sorry.)

there are many good things about the US, don't get me wrong. but if you are not already 'stuck' here, I would certainly NOT entertain coming here, moving here, doing business here and certainly not becoming a citizen here!

(of course, I expect to be added to some watchlist given my comments here. and that's yet another reason to avoid the US. you can't trust the US anymore. we don't even follow our own laws uniformly. if you are rich, you have all you want; if you are not rich, then a 2nd set of laws will apply to you).

don't. just don't. we used to be great. maybe we will again in the future, but right now, its a disaster here.

Comment I'm not sure I see the point (Score 1) 734

what's to be gained by having US citizenship, when you both are living in europe?

I am born and raised (and living) in the US, but if I was not born here or already a citizen, I'm not sure I see any real benefit to being part of the US. my view has changed a lot over the last 20 years (world events and all), and so I'm not sure that being 'prisoner of uncle sam' (our version of POMMY, lol) yields a positive benefit anymore.

enjoy your life over there. in fact, I would not even travel here if you don't have to.

Comment Re:At last... [Apple's Future] (Score 1) 114

Jobs produced duds also: Lisa, Next, "Cube" Mac, round mouse, 1-button mouse, Apple-TV. The potential problem I see is that Apple may be afraid to gamble because if they fail with a product, then everyone will panic and say they "lost their edge when Jobs died".

It's not that they cannot find innovators, it's that they don't have enough margin to gamble due to expectations.

They should tell investors outright: "We have to gamble and have to fail to move forward. Jobs made mistakes, and we'll probably also make mistakes, perhaps even more while we are learning lessons it took Steve a lifetime to learn, but gambling is necessary to Apple's future. There will be duds."

Comment Re:IANAL, but my answer would be no (Score 2) 340

I'm pretty sure that the next time I fly across int'l borders, if I even bring any electronic devices with me (I'll probably mail them, in fact) - the ones I would bring would be dummy devices. ones I could afford to lose and ones with 'happy happy, joy joy' bullshit on it.

you want to see my login? ok. here you go. that's A login. and as far as you know, its 'my' login. can I go now? thanks. have a nice day. ossifer.

(sheesh. freedom to travel securely with your private papers is a long-gone idea. thank god we can still encrypt our devices and mail them physically or just transfer files around online).

I see lots of business travelers taking their laptops with them on flights. does no one seem to be annoyed that you are put into a tough situation if you have corporate info on there, your login is NOT supposed to EVER be given out to anyone and yet the country you are entrying is forcing you to compromise your company's security. I wonder if you worked for a big enough company, if they would go to bat for you, if you got stuck at a border and refused to let them break into your corp laptop?

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