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Comment Re:0.001km = 0.01hm = 1m = 10dm = 100cm = 1000mm (Score 2) 909

Just use 12 as your base. Have 36cm instead of 1 foot in whatever it is you are making and then you can divide exactly by all those fractions you like.

but who wants to deal with 250 um on a construction site?

Anyone working to 0.25mm won't be doing it on a construction site. It is 0.00984251969 inches.

Comment Re:Long Live Roman measurements (Score 1) 909

BMWs are boring cars for middle aged business men having a mid-life crisis. A better comparison would be something like a Skyline or Evo. Reasonably priced and very modifiable, great fun to drive.

Drag racing is for cocks, even Top Gear only uses it as filler. On the track, through the corners is where it's at, and I'm afraid the GP was right. The Mustang does suck at cornering.

Comment Re:Copyrigt was created because of greedy publishe (Score 1) 309

It is not an "explanation", it is the historic facts. Copyright was created because play-writers would literally starve, because others sold their writings in volume immediately after they themselves published. So you have it backwards: It was not created to create incentives to create, creative people do that all by themselves. Copyright was created to stop massive counter-incentives to being creative that were cropping up, namely the publishers (at that time called "printers"), that destroyed any chance of the play-writers earning something from their works.


2012 Set Record For Most Expensive Gas In US 430

An anonymous reader writes "According to data from the American Automobile Association, the average price for a gallon of gas in the U.S. was higher in 2012 than in any year before it. Nationwide, gas averaged $3.60/gallon, up from $3.51/gallon in 2011. 'The states with the most expensive annual averages for 2012 included Hawaii ($4.31), Alaska ($4.09), California ($4.03), New York ($3.90) and Connecticut ($3.90). The states with the least-expensive annual averages included South Carolina ($3.35), Missouri ($3.38), Mississippi ($3.39), Tennessee ($3.40) and Oklahoma ($3.41). The highest daily statewide average of the year was $4.67 in Calif. on Oct. 9, while the lowest daily statewide average was $2.91 a gallon in South Carolina on July 3.' Bloomberg reports that fuel consumption is down 3.6% compared to last year, while U.S. oil production reached almost 7 million barrels a day recently, a level that hasn't been reached since 1993. AAA predicts gas prices will be cheaper in 2013."

Comment Re:Copyrigt was created because of greedy publishe (Score 1) 309

Yes, so? Or another publisher from distributing it for free and putting the second one out of business. The whole point is that copyright is entirely artificial and its sole original purpose is to give the original creator a reasonable change to live off his work. It is not there to protect publishers at all (but today primarily misused for that purpose). It is not intended to make creative people rich. And there really is no reason why somebody should own or control what they wrote. They do own the right to be identified as its author, but that is it. Other than that, a reasonable protection time that makes sure they get the initial sales is an acceptable trade-off, but that is it. 8 or 12 years is already pretty long for that. 4 years would more likely be realistic, but I do acknowledge that writers, musicians, etc. do have downtimes and may not be able to be creative for a few years on occasion. Both 8 and 12 years would provide amply for that.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 909

Imperial is okay until you want to start calculating with it. For a start you can't use a normal calculator because it can't cope with 12 inches in a foot and three feet in a yard.

At this point someone normally claims that Imperial is better because 12 is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 6 etc. The brilliant thing about metric is you can always just use a multiple of 12 centimetres as your base, or 8 litres, or 3.141596 kilos, or whatever is most suitable.

Comment Re:Boggle (Score 1) 909

Actually only some countries get fucked that way. For example in the UK our Windows discs default to American for everything - keyboard, language, date format and paper size. French Windows discs default to metric and French language, ditto with German, Japanese, Chinese and just about every other place going.

It seems that if you have your own unique language you good defaults, but if someone did an embrace-and-extend hatchet job on it you get screwed.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 449

Your plan would require the crew to check every single device on the aircraft for certification and make sure people didn't use uncertified ones. It would be far easier to just confirm what we pretty much know - that planes are not affected by consumer wireless devices at all, or if they are fix them. That would bring additional safety from people forgetting to turn devices off as well.

Also the FAA is responsible for a relatively small part of the international air travel market. Any solution will have to be internationally agreed, especially since most long haul flights are between two different countries. For example Japanese wifi can go up to channel 13. This is what international standards bodies are for.

Comment I did (Score 1) 432

Cricket sold me the phone for $400, and is about $15/mo cheaper than any provider (even with my work discount). Also, I don't have to worry about my kid running up a huge bandwidth bill. The service tends to be faster too, but that's just my area.

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