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Comment Re:What people are missing here... (Score 2) 291

A lot of it is due to the Dunning-Kruger effect. The cops know you did it, because they arrested you. They wouldn't have arrested you if they were not sure you were guilty. They know they never make mistakes. And then they stop investigating the crime once they have someone to pin it on.

Comment Re:The average human being (Score 1) 291

Is a gullible idiot.

Yes they are, and our justice system should take that into account. Confessions should not be admissible as evidence in court unless the jurors are given a full, uncut tape of the interrogation that led up to that confession.

Oh theydo take it into account. By using this to trump up charges and get confessions for people that may be innocent, and generally abuse the justice system.

Comment Re:Speaking In A Moral Context (Score 1) 894

It bears remembering that Pope Francis is speaking in a moral fashion not a legal one.

My moral compass tells me that free speech trumps the Pope's or the followers of Islam's feelings of being insulted by it.

Just because we have the legal right to offer deadly insults doesn't mean we should exercisce that right.

Charlie Hebdo did not threaten to kill anyone. Even if they did, it does not justify murdering anyone.

Comment Re:Therefore justifying the killing of others (Score 2) 894

I was not aware that holocaust denial was punishable by death.

Also, I would only say illegal things if I agreed with them. The holocaust actually happened.

And even if you want to deny it, I am not going to murder you over it. Sure, free speech has consequence; but murder is not a valid consequence, no matter what the person said.

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