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Comment Re:Warrants are supposed to be narrow (Score 1) 150

A far better analogy is snail mail. The judge has granted the right to enter an unlimited number of recipients houses and recover mail sent to them. The real question is who owns that mail, the senders, the receivers, the handlers or the, the ISP. That is the tricky question with regards to email versus snail mail and that technically email should be legally treated exactly the same as snail mail because by and large that is the public expectation.

Comment Re:Yeah, students will use bandwidth (Score 1) 285

That is a technical lie. If you had provided them with notebooks with hard disk drives, by far the majority of the information they required for the the whole school year could have been pre-installed on the notebook, with only minor update traffic required. Of course tablets lacking significant storage capability require a continuous flow of data, now add in class timing schedules, and the data flow has significant peaks which of course result in inevitable bandwidth problems. So not only poor input interfaces limiting creativity and foolish lock in but huge bandwidth problems.

Comment Re:What, NASA doesn't sell there building naming r (Score 1) 52

Why doesn't NASA ignore the celebrity bullshit and name buildings after the people they did the real work of getting man into space and onto the moon, the Scientists and Engineers. NASA you want more scientists and engineers, than stop bloody giving them a back seat to the monkey in the cockpit, grrr ;).

Comment Re:so one billionaire (Score 2) 63

Murdoch is also very unlikely to get Time Warner as long as he continues to try to buy it with junk bond status non-voting News Corporation stocks. News corporation just can not cut it on the internet which will make it a boat anchor for the Time Warner group. As News Corporations drops and Time Warner rises so the buyout will eventually be on the other boot. The MySpace was the death knell for News Corporation on the internet.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 1) 778

Well of course that unemployed person ends up being employed when those around them with higher minimum wage buy stuff that needs to be made so that unemployed person now has a job. How much does an unemployed person make, likely the minimum wage once they become employed because the minimum wage jobs are the first to re-appear when the minimum wage is raised. As the flow on affect occurs so higher wage positions appear. The area of the market that loses is the slaver 'er' servant market, cheap maids, cheap gardeners etc. all paid for by cheap asses.

Comment Non Story (Score 1) 217

Back before PCI DSS we used to store everything we got during the booking process. And that include FOP (Form Of payment, CA cash, CC Credit Card, CH Checks, government card have another code etc...), FOID (Form of Identification - often Passport number nowadays but used to be FF card and CC card) confidential remarks (financial data) non confidential remarks (address, tel numbers, etc... And for a web based system , yes the IP you used). Everything you have directly or indirectly was saved i the PNR. And when CAPS 2 came up yes all that was sent indiscriminately to the US government , privacy be damned. Only recently when PCI DSS came up the airline started to blank our new PNR , but in some case for interline you may need to still send the CC (Can't recall which interline ticketing scenario - not refund as interline refund is not allowed by any airline i know of - maybe exchange to keep old FOP and new FOP in synch). Old PNR were never really corrected, especially all that was sent to the US government.

Bottom line : that's sadly a non story.

Comment Same difference (Score 1) 667

We all forgot that, perhaps because it is not true? I seem to recall a murderous kleptomaniac thug being evicted from power on the strength of popular protest.

Hy ! Be fair with the OP, from all what we know from Putin's bloody politics and underhanded tactic "murderous kleptomaniac thug" and "elected pro-russian government" could very well be identical in the average Russian mind ;)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Nobots Chapter Thirty Three 2

An alarm woke me up at quarter after six. What the hell? Fire in P117? I put on a robe, and as I trudged down there Tammy was running into the commons. I wondered what was going on.
I got to Passenger quarters 117 and it was a damned drill, the light wasn't flashing and I didn't smell any smoke. I really didn't expect to, because except for Tammy's quarters none of the rest of the passenger section was occupied and

Comment Re: Your Results Will Vary (Score 1) 241

Let's walk this back. You said:

It isn't even about creating well-rounded people, and never really was [..] the curriculum and organization of institutions of higher education---particularly research universities---is still geared toward that Enlightenment ideal of academia.

The bold is what I responded to, in particular the word never. Goals have changed in 400 years.

Comment Sorry I was Not wrong (Score 1) 242

1) This is not about hydrogen bonding but whether the cage have been demonstrated to exists and form a cage of similar form than the replcaed molecule. There is no such demonstration for ethanol. The point was never about hydrogen bond , which as a chemist I am aware of, but about cage formation. Due to the nature of alcohol I would expect such cage to even be quickly gone, and the cage to even even a much rougher form than H2O.

2) protein folding is not the same phenomenon at all. The key zone where protein interract are identical, which is why some protein might be slightly different but still interrract. Protein which are utterly different do not itnerract the same way. There is no parallel at all with a *negative* form of a H2O cage having the same effect than the positive molecule. In fact protein shows quite clearly by their often key-key hole reaction that such cage CANNOT have the same effect as the molecules

3) look if you want to debate homeopathy and animal let's us gop to JREF.ORG and register on their forum and let us debate there. There is a wealth of information that most if (baring all) those study were bunk. And frankly if homeopathy WAS working, it would be pretty damn easy to demonstrate with a tight protocol. And yet it never is.

Comment Re:Short-Lived? (Score 1, Informative) 778

I bet jobs growth has increased because the delta between minimum wage in those regions and unemployment is great enough to motivate folks to get jobs. This will stabilize in a short time and I think jobs growth will stall and stagnate.

That may be true, but there is a difference between jobs and job growth. Job growth in one year means there are more jobs. Forever.

Comment Not really (Score 4, Informative) 147

"This is an easy one. Entangled particles operate using the same physics as wormholes. If one of the entangled pair is accelerated to relativistic velocities, say in a particle accelerator, they will not exist in the same relative timeframe. (SNIP)"

That's a misunderstanding of entanglement. There is not per see communication between the particle. When you have an entangled particle there is not one "communicating" the other that it is getting observed. What happens is that *both* particle form a single system with the specific property that when the spin of one particle is measured , the other particle has the anti spin state. Using all sort of relativistic trick on one particle will not do anything whatsoever because there is no communication to the other particle therefor frame of reference do nothing whatsoever.

I dislike the analogy because it does not represent the true nature of QM entanglement , but think of this : you have a red ball and a yellow ball. Put one in a packet at random, keep another one hiddden in a safe on earth. Then send the packet at c speed somewhere. Openning the safe 10 years later will reveal the color of the safe ball and by extent the color of the packet ball no matter how far and that despite not being in the same frame of reference and 10 light years away.
What happens here in entanglement is similar. There is no "teleportation" at c speed of the state of one to the others. Read up on bell's inequality violation.

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