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Comment Trusted apps need no censorship and away to have (Score 1) 331

Trusted apps need no censorship and away to have censorship and away to have things like user add ones.

Do you really want games with NO user maps or plugins / mods?

What about no more emulators? Other then the few paid ones that are very locked down and due to censorship issues can't have all games in a system.

No more open source apps?

NO VM's as well.

Comment Re:liability coverage is needed (Score 1) 341

* From "ride accepted" to "ride finished and passengers is away from vehicle": Company provides $1M as primary insurance, personal insurance is secondary.

But your insurance says you are working for a Company as a driver at that time and we are not covering you at all for that time.

Comment Trophies and gold stars are not what is wrong with (Score 3, Interesting) 81

Trophies and gold stars are not what is wrong with college.

In the past company's used to do in house training and some of the tech / trades schools where spinned off of that.

And we did not have the college for all push even in the 80's tech / trades schools did not have the as bad of a rap that they have now and they where not trying to be colleges as much as they are now as well.

We have Community Colleges as well maybe it's time to have the same K-12 cost levels for at least 2 years at them and or offer non degrees classes at the same costs as well.

The big 4+ year colleges have been picky about college transfer credits and some seem to have profit driven ways of saying you have to retake classes. In some states they have laws saying that they MUST TAKE Community Colleges credits.

Aso the big Colleges are trying and doing a poor job of trying to be more like tech / trades school to fill the gap from the lack of company's doing in house training.

At some of the big colleges are loaded with filler and fluff classes as well in the past when costs where lower they where nice to have and well rounded was good but today the costs are to high and the time is to long. At some schools due to way the classes fall and fill up it's hard to get a 4 year degree in 4 years. Some of the filler / fluff is old departments that are useing that keep them relevant.

There is to much theory and to much put on climbing the Ivory tower at some of the Colleges at the cost of more relevant / hands on skills. At least some of the big colleges do have more relevant / hands on skills with less theory.

The tech schools do have some theory with more hands on skills and just about no filler / fluff. (other then gen edu)

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