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Comment Re:Qualifications? (Score 1) 107

He's supporting and advertising a free energy source. It's idiotic.

And he posts under pseudonyms as his own biggest fan. He's probably the GGP.

The suggestion that he's been right at some point when telling the engineers of the world that they're doing it wrong is laughable. The guy's got no sense of reality. Perpetual motion refutes consistently observed properties of the universe. Engineers know this.

Comment Re:Facts are there (Score 1) 379

A whole bunch more: []
Appears to be about 5%, not 0%.

Your link gives 38 scientists who claim or believe that GW is not Anthropogenic. That is people, not papers, but for it to be 5% of people, the implication would be that there are only 760 climate scientists. 30,000 is a better estimate. As it is, 38 is 0.1%, or to the implied accuracy of the number of figures given in my 0% estimate, it would be 0%.

Comment Re:Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 1) 136

You think biodiversity and climate haven't changed radically in the last 4.5 billion years? You think the earth is static state? Have sea levels fallen and risen before?

No, I think that the current warming is primarily caused by human activity, and that this is putting extinction pressure on great swathes of a wide range of ecosystems, is responsible for the observed acceleration in sea level rise.

Forbes is using NOAAs data.

They're not understanding that the increase in CO2 is responded to my a warming over the following decades though. Scientific sources are better, and Forbes' opinion pieces are appallingly unscientific when it comes to climate change.

The economist reported the 25% number

So they did. A well researched and intellectual publication. Not scientific as such, but educated. It gets a pass.

Yet, still no warming during that time

Not quite true. There has been warming.

That is because the CO2 greenhouse effect is weak and marginal compared to natural causes of global temperature changes.

Not even close to correct. Completely wrong. Every time you decompose global warming into the response to natural and anthropogenic forcing it looks something like this. Most or all of the observed warming is anthropogenic. Every time you look at what is applying radiative forcing it looks like this. Anthropogenic forcing dominates, and of the anthropogenic forcings, CO2 forcing is the largest part.

There is no question in the scientific literature that most of the current warming is likely anthropogenic. About 0% of scientific organisations and 0% of scholarly papers refute this fact. We know it better than we know an asteroid impact killed the dinosaurs.

Comment Re:Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 1) 136

Twenty five percent of human CO2 emissions have been in the past decade and yet no corresponding percentage of warming.

That's a lot. Whose figures are you quoting?

The warming from an increase in CO2 takes 25-50 years for 60% of it to have occurred.

You need to look at the coming 30-40 years for the warming corresponding to emissions in the last decade.

Climate is always regional, that is why droughts come and go and areas see warming and cooling.

There is also global climate. Such as the current warming.

Time is wasted on trying to pretend we can modify things, spending time on overcoming changes is better spent.

No. The economic analysis shows that it is cheaper to reduce emissions.

I'd rather all the plastic be pulled from the sea or all the mercury pulllled out of it then worry about CO2.

Reducing emissions is possible and positive. You should pursue pipe dreams to if you want. That's not mutually exclusive.

I'd worry about the real damage to the planet.

Drop in biodiversity is real damage to the planet. Climate change and sea level rise is real damage to humanity.

Comment Re:Where did you get that fact from? (Score 1) 136

But adding the "trapped in ice" doesn't really make sense, if there's a constant exchange between water and ice, and each having the same concentration of plastic.

The article looks at ice cores containing plastic, so "trapped in ice" is what they found.

They don't speculate on mechanism, but bits of plastic are lighter than ice and larger than water molecules. It's plausible that they would have a tendency to remain right against the underside of the sea ice if they are in the water, and would get caught up early in the freeze. It's also plausible that they would be caught in the ice by one or both ends when the saltwater rivulets form, and not tend to flush into the sea in the same proportion as the water, just because the water is smaller. And it's even plausible that they would work their way up into the ice rather than down if a freshwater bubble comes passing though (unless it is flowing fast), or if they find themselves melted into from above by fresh meltwater.

I don't find it implausible that the constant exchange between water and ice favours uptake of the plastic into the ice.

Comment Re:Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 1) 136

That's disingenuous. The colonies failed once the ocean froze over again.

More related to the Vikings having depleted the soil fertility, I suspect. But regional climate change may have played a part.

Our recent observations amount to jack in the long history of the earth.

Right, but the current climate change affects the planet since the industrial revolution, not since the history of the earth.

Warmer too, for instance forests growing faster in northern climes in the past and plant life that can't grow there right now existing in the past.

It's possible regionally. Where are you talking about? Globally we're probably warming than any time since the peak of the interglacial before last one, and possibly all times in the last 2-5 million years.

Anthropogenic Global Warming is a theory.

No. Theories get lots of hits on google scholar, because scientists have written about them. Quantum Field Theory is a Theory. It gets nearly half a million hits on google scholar.

Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory is not. It gets less than 100 hits, mostly denialist writings of no scientific note.

The basic theory that explains Anthropogenic Global Warming is optics, which explains how greenhouse gasses cause the greenhouse effect.

Comment Re:Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 1) 136

How did the Vikings settle Greenland?

By longboat, I believe.

Was it because a once frozen ocean stayed ice free so that they could make regular trips?

I think Eric the Red's exile was the primary factor that set the timing.

Tell me about the last 6 years.

In Greenland? It's been losing Ice Sheet Mass, because of increased glacial flow outstripping increased precipitation. Recent findings suggest that the ice sheet is much more vulnerable to ocean warming that previously thought.

When you say something like observed conditions, how much of the earths history do those "observed" conditions cover.

It depends on context. Can you point out which time I said "something like observed conditions" that you are referring to? Sometimes observations of ice go back nearly a million years, by ice core histories. Some Ice observations go back to 1978, the satellite histories.

Do Flora and Fauna records bear out periods warmer and colder than now?

Certainly colder. Warmer is uncertain globally within the past couple or few million years. Central Greenland regionally has probably been warming in the past few hundred years, judging from Ice cores.

Is global warming a theory due to the fact that it has facets that fly against observations?

No. Global warming is what happens when you warm the globe. It's not a theory. The relevant theories are probably optics and thermodynamics. There are no observations that suggest the globe isn't currently warming. Energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere measurements, and sea level measurements are probably the most irrefutable signs that the globe is warming, as a globe. But surface temperature measurements are also strongly indicative.

Comment Re:Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 2) 136 it melts?? It melts every year, then freezes again. It's not like some barrage of plastic that's been sequestered in ice for billions of years is suddenly going to be dumped into the ocean because of the Arctic sea ice "melting", a thinly veiled reference to global warming as if the melting isn't happening every summer. And if it was created in 2012, then gets released, then a little bit freezes in the ice next doesn't sound like this is even a story!

The loss of the Northern Summer Sea Ice will change ocean dynamics. The released plastic could make its way to other oceans.

Comment Re:Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 1) 136

We shouldn't even have ice in the arctic in summer at this point in time according to Mann, Gore and Hansen.

Northern summer sea ice volume has dropped 60% over the past 35 years.

But I wonder if you have misinterpreted projections of Mann and Hansen.

I notice Mann was an author on a paper about the Antarctic Ice Sheet, but I can't find the one about the Arctic Ice that your refer to. Do you have a citation?

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