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Comment Re:Why not reduce emissions? (Score 1) 623

I understand that there are many arguments as to whether global climate change exists, and/or how sever it is. I also understand that trying to reduce our emissions significantly can come at some economic cost. But there are still many low hanging fruits that we could easily tackle as a compromise, at very little cost.

To name a few:

- Boats - No emissions controls at all currently
- Planes - Trains should be a better option (particularly in the U.S.)
- Coal power plants - Outdated tech
- Lawn mowers - Electric mowers could replace most people's mowing needs
- Excessive water consumption - Top loading washing machines are a colossal waste of fresh water

Additionally, there have been numerous studies linking various forms of pollution to cancer and other serious health effects. So we stand to gain healthier people and lower health care costs by reducing our emissions as well.

Boats - No emissions controls at all currently
Should we paddle?

- Planes - Trains should be a better option (particularly in the U.S.)
There aren't enough trans on the planet to ferry the people who fly by plane

- Coal power plants - Outdated tech
Almost all coal plants are clean burning.

- Lawn mowers - Electric mowers could replace most people's mowing needs
Imagine the length of the power cord. Not to mention the fact that electricity is mostly generated from natural gas which uses as much if not more CO2

- Excessive water consumption - Top loading washing machines are a colossal waste of fresh water
Last I checked the water used in a washing machine goes down the drain and gets recycled by the waste treatment plant and back into our faucets.

Climate change by man is bogus. The IPCC has reported that there has been no significant warming in the past 16 years. It's a fraud and only the sheep fall for it.

Comment This will result in more trouble than it's worth (Score 1) 648

How about the fact that computer driven cars have no sense of compassion for other drivers? Imagine a busy street during rush hour bumper to bumper with driver-less cars. No computer is going to stop short to allow you out of that driveway of the gas station. It's the end of common sense judgement as well. I can see the kid who may be speeding down the sidewalk towards an intersection. That driver-less car will only see the kid when he/she is in it's path.... Too late for the kid. What happens when your car is hacked and you can be assassinated by remote control? Ever hear of buggy software? Better hope your car isn't run on Microsoft Windows.

Comment Bogus Climate Change Propoganda (Score -1, Troll) 735

We can agree to disagree on the issue of man made climate change considering there are many scientists on both sides of the aisle. I for one don't believe the man made climate change myth. The one obvious issue aside from that is that the various scare mongering stories of floods and disappearing islands and massive sea level increases are all readily dis-proven. Furthermore, the proposed solutions of paying carbon taxes to the corporations and banks is laughable. Not only would this not result in a reduction of "carbon dioxide release", but it would all be passed down to the public in the form of increased costs for everything. Food, fuel, services. It would clearly result in the mass starvation of many people in third world countries who are on the edge right now. Man is adaptable by nature. If the sea level were to rise to the point of flooding some inland areas it would occur over the course of hundreds of years. I have no doubt that mankind would move out of the way. If one area had an increase in arid conditions making crops hard to grow, mankind would move his crops to other lands that become crop friendly. This whole issue is nothing more than an attempt by the powers that be to gain control over every facet of our lives from micromanaging our energy consumption to deciding what we can eat. You can be damn sure that the Al Gore's of the world won't face any such restrictions on their use of "carbon intensive" resources while the poor and the middle class will. I could care less if the climate changes. That's why I was born with two feet. So I can move where the climate suits me.

Comment This is so fake it's absurd. (Score 1) 185

Explain to me how this is even remotely possible? Let's take something simple. Monitor displaying the number 5 and monitor displaying the number 4. How do the glasses know whether it's a 5 or 4? The computer is relaying the information to the monitor and not to the glasses. The liquid crystal film (LCD) is normally connected to the computer through the monitor. How is it connected now? This is such obvious bullshit that I don't understand how anyone could even consider it.

Comment You are totally wrong son. (Score 1) 473

Actually it's the opposite. It's BECAUSE of the undeveloped countries that the population explodes. It's because the rich and powerful 1%'ers keep the undeveloped world undeveloped that we have these exorbitant population increases. It's FACT that fertility rates (number of children born to an average couple) in undeveloped countries are high and low in developed countries like western countries. If the Big banks like the IMF would stop preventing developed countries from creating industry and wealth for their populations, the fertility rate in those countries would go down. People who have jobs and are happy spend less time fucking than those who have nothing.

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