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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 1 accepted (4 total, 25.00% accepted)


Submission + - Developing an HTML5 Tetris game (

koper writes: "The Opa Developer Challenge just finished and the presentation of the winning apps starts today with the honorary mention of an HTML5-powered game of OpaTetris.
Opa is a new web programming language that distinguishes itself from the crowd by bringing static strong typing to the world of the web. It also produces, from a single source: all database queries, native server side code and client side Javascript and automates communication between the two."


Submission + - Web apps programming made easy. (

koper writes: "The new programming language Opa makes web programming easier by providing a one-tier one-language-for-everything approach. Now it goes one step further by providing a (very-minimalistic for now) web-based IDE that allows to compile & deploy Opa programs in one click in your web browser. Give it a spin!"

Submission + - Opa: new web development platform (

koper writes: "Opa is a new generation of web development platform. It is a new programming language, a new web server, a new database and a new distributed execution engine, all of them tightly integrated to provide a great experience for web developers. Few days ago it became open-source.

Why should you care about yet another language? There are few things that make Opa stand out from the crowd:
  • it's a language targeted at the web;
  • it puts lots of emphasis on security;
  • it's a one-stop solution; you write in Opa and it generates for you: the client-side code (JavaScript), database queries, all the glue code etc.
  • scalability won't be a problem: your app is distributed and cloud-ready right from the start.

Curious? Sounds too good to be true? Check out Opa's homepage or my blog for more info.

Disclaimer: I am working on Opa at MLstate."

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HELP!!!! I'm being held prisoner in /usr/games/lib!
