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DEA Planned To Monitor Cars Parked At Gun Shows Using License Plate Readers 577 writes According to a newly disclosed DEA email obtained by the ACLU through the Freedom of Information Act, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives collaborated on plans to monitor gun show attendees using automatic license plate readers. Responding to inquiries about the document, the DEA said that the monitoring of gun shows was merely a proposal and was never implemented. "The proposal in the email was only a suggestion. It was never authorized by DEA, and the idea under discussion in the email was never launched,'' says DEA administrator Michele Leonhart.

According to the Wall Street Journal the proposal shows the challenges and risks facing the U.S. as it looks to new, potentially intrusive surveillance technology to help stop criminals. Many of the government's recent efforts have scooped up data from innocent Americans, as well as those suspected of crimes, creating records that lawmakers and others say raise privacy concerns. "Automatic license plate readers must not be used to collect information on lawful activity — whether it be peacefully assembling for lawful purposes, or driving on the nation's highways," says the ACLU. "Without strong regulations and greater transparency, this new technology will only increase the threat of illegitimate government surveillance." National Rifle Association spokesman Andrew Arulanandam says the NRA is "looking into this to see if gun owners were improperly targeted, and has no further comment until we have all the facts."

Comment Re:One good reason for unbundling: The Kardiashian (Score 1) 448

Exactly. That was one of the major reasons I quit cable tv too and one thing that really makes me feel good about it. That I don't support all that shitty reality tv anymore. I don't think I will ever go back to cable tv again. If I did, I would be a requirement that I could choose not to support those channels.
That sadly includes the discovery channel after their 2007 decision to "focus on the people behind the technology instead of the technology" or however they worded it in their press release.

Comment But I do have a emergency service app (Score 3, Interesting) 145
It seems to be official and made by government institutions here in DK.
I don't have a TV anymore so I haven't seen it as a public service announcement, but they might have aired it, I don't know.

(not in english)
Denmark’s official 112 app is developed by The Danish National Police, Copenhagen Fire Brigade and The Danish Geodata Agency. It is financed by TrygFonden.

With Denmark’s official 112 app you can call the emergency center and simultaneously send the GPS-coordinates of the cell phone. That way you can get help faster.

- The 112 app is operational only in Denmark
- The 112 app does not send any GPS-coordinates, if the GPS on the cell phone is deactivated
- The 112 app can only send GPS-coordinates in locations with data connection.

If your battery level is lower than 25 % the 112 app will make the call to the emergency center, but it will not send any GPS-coordinates. This is to make sure, that you can talk with the emergency center without running out of battery. The 112 app will also automatically stop sending GPS-coordinates, if your battery level gets below 25 % during your call.

You can read more about Denmark’s official 112 app at (Danish)

Read more about when to dial 1-1-2 at (Danish)

Comment argh (Score 2) 54

There was more information in the the text describing the video than the content of the video itself.
Also it seemed that the "suit" was the worst place to see the fireworks.

It's the sort of thing people share on Facebook and I believe it was made for that purpose as it contained no information or explanation, was short and didn't require sound to watch(safe for work).

Thankfully YouTube DOES contain lots of interesting information from people around the world. Of course of varying quality.
Personally I enjoy watching videos related to different type of electronics and pinball machines, found some useful repair videos. (one example: ). Also Conan has his "serious jibber jabber" that I found interesting( )

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