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Comment Re:No torrent, no download (Score 1) 151

More importantly, the download speed limit on this site is atrocious. The non-premium access path is entirely reminiscent of RapidShare. Nothing about this site seems useful other than the fact that there's no (apparent) extension filtering. And there are competitor sites that don't do extension filtering and don't make you wait 15s / fill in a captcha to download a file. Torrenting is only useful (in my opinion) for files where the life of a potential downloader (which is a full download + seeding to 150%) is going to be long enough to have a healthy swarm. In the case of files under 100 MB, torrents are not useful, and we can turn to those filesharing services which don't make you wait.

Comment Re:Bad economy? It's a problem of abundance. (Score 1) 245

Essentially, yes. I meant only by my original post that at least one party in this make-work relationship has an obviously useful skill set that isn't employed for the most obvious reason. I was also trying to imply that this makes irrelevant any social issues involved because the issues would not present themselves in a stronger economy. In no way, though, was I implying that my understanding of macroeconomics is as flawed as that of those like the idiot who happens to represent my district in Congress, (sigh).

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