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Comment Oh jee-wiz (Score 0) 336

Does every year have to set a record breaking temperature? It goes up and down and it will continue doing so for at least another 4.5bn years, according to Mr. Putin, and we know we can trust KGB. This retarded panic over global warming, sorry I used the legacy term, climate change, started with Al Gore trying to impose taxes "on air". He was pretty fucking successful at that. So worried about ecology, fossil fuels, etc? Hire hippies, plat some fucking trees - problem solved.

Comment Gadget-free Bond can suck my b*lls! (Score 2) 187

Seriously, Craig is the worst James Bond ever. They might as well call it "James Bourne: The Spy with feelings" or something. There are other movies that provide entertainment as "cool_modern_realistic" action. I don't want that, many of my friends do not want that. There is no Bond cheese left. There are no cool villains. They played freaking poker in Casino Royal for 40 min. NO. James Bond comes to a casino, wins against the villain, takes his girl home. She dies in the morning. Die Hard 4 was more "hacker-friendly" movie.

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