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Comment Re:Everyone is overlooking a key point (Score 1) 313

Actually, no. They lobby to eliminate restrictions on the acquisition of firearms of pretty much all types to nearly everyone. Their justification is typically that more guns = a safer society, principally because criminals will fear to pray on people who might have a weapon. It's a powerful message that speaks to the fear of every human that they could be preyed upon and/or find themselves helpless in violent situation. It's been extended to protecting others as part of patriotism.

Promoting the responsible use of firearms to the NRA is like AAA being for the responsible and lawful use of automobiles. That may be on the membership card, but it's not part of the practical legislative agenda.

Comment Everyone is overlooking a key point (Score 1) 313

Once autonomous weapons become commonplace, the 2nd Amendment will guarantee that any US Citizen should be able to own and (not) operate one for fun and self-defense. It will, if I read the NRA talking points correctly, make for the absolute safest place in the entire universe.

Comment Re:What benefit to announcing it? (Score 2, Insightful) 203

Verizon doesn't give a rat's ass. You want a fixed phone, come by a new one you fucking turd. Oh, and pay more for the service because fuck you. .

To those who believe that when they paid $200 for a phone as a guarantee for being able to pay $600-1000/yr for service: Well, in the immortal words of their spokesperson, "Pray I do not alter [the deal] any further"

Comment Re:Prioritization vs Managers (Score 5, Interesting) 365

Managers are like placing all of your eggs in one basket which has been specifically designed for carrying eggs, with proper separation and cushioning against nearly all common shipping contingencies.

Having a couple of really secure passwords and a couple of throwaways is like putting a couple of small eggs in your back pocket and carrying the big ones in your hands. Much more convenient, and only as secure as you are diligent.

Comment Re: A plea to fuck off. (Score 4, Interesting) 365

horse battery staple

Not any more. Words are now characters. You have a 3 character password right there. Unless you're going to munge up the words with misspellings or nonalphanumerics,

Besides, having to type in your master pass[phrase] that's 30 characters long into something like LastPass from a phone keyboard with ******** as your visual feedback every time you need to re-authorize (which should be frequent if you're being diligent) is a royal pain in the ass. Do that for a couple of days and you'll be back to 12345 out of shear frustration.

Comment Re:New rule (Score 1) 113

"people would just memorize the two letter words."

And we'd be okay with that - you memorize the definitions and use them in a sentence then they are part of your vocabulary. But there's a lot more to that than just remembering which 2 letter combinations scrabble considers to be "words".

Comment Re:Distractions are distractions (Score 1) 60

Ambient noise is (almost) always present. Even a "silent" room, as such for the experiment, was subject to pencil noises, breathing, HVAC air, mechanical vibrations, (and clocks, computer fans, fluor. ballast hum, etc. as appropriate).

Now ambient as in "people talking in a coffee house" is a whole different matter.

Comment Re:New rule (Score 1) 113

The vote was 4:1 in favor of the rule. He was not required to continue to play, and could have resigned in protest. Not that it actually mattered much - he was vying for last anyway - but we needed to set some ground rules for future games.

Sometimes rule changes are necessary for balance. Previously, this group may or may not have also altered the CAH rules to state that blank cards may not be played as "Two midgets shitting in a bucket."* I say may have because I'm pretty certain it was discussed, but it was too late and I was too drunk to really recall whether the proposal was made official.

*not because it was offensive, but because it was too like to get chosen as the winning combination. And it had been "played" four times that night already.

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