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Comment Re:I'm bombarded.... (Score 2) 408

You're modded Funny, so I'm glad most people got that this was sarcasm, but for those who don't, conservative opinion has become the norm, at least in American major news outlets. Conservatives dominate cable news (Fox is the most watched), radio (a dozen or so popular conservative opinion shows with a greater audience than anything the left has), print (what's left of print anyway, The Wall Street Journal, NYT is now also owned by News Corp.), the internet (Drudge, et al). The insanity is that despite almost complete blanket control of every media outlet in the nation, they repeat the lie that conservative views are oppressed so often and so urgently that many people fall for it. It's akin to Christians in the US (the vast majority of people) complaining that they are an oppressed minority beset on all sides by various powerful groups that are actively seeking their persecution. It's just not happening.

Comment Re:Don't let One Distributor Control eBooks! (Score 1) 450

Fortunately, there's a third option other than playing by their rules or not playing at all. Play by your own rules. There are many sites to download ebooks and audiobooks for free without DRM. I recently graduated college and didn't pay a dime for text books, found downloads for almost all of them and the ones I couldn't I just used the library's copy, and made photocopies of pages I needed to take. The corporate model can be broken by simply ignoring their screams for money. Paying for content is so 20th century. We're living in a time when an Ethernet cable gives you access to every piece of media and content you could ever want or imagine, and all for free.

Comment Stronger and then strong ambiguousism (Score 1) 215

Since I don't recognize the legitimacy of copyright, licensing, EULAs, or software patents, and make a point to not follow them, I'd say my views are pretty strong. Using copyright as the basis for protecting free software (GPL, et al) is a hack to make a bad and immoral system somewhat more tolerable, but it's not the only way things could be done.

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