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Comment Re:oh yes, that'll help (Score 2, Interesting) 299

That really is a silly comment. We all realise that violence has complex causes and we'd all agree that there is never a straightforward single explanation of any killing or attack. That said advertising works and we are all affected by what we read and see around us. A constant background culture of violence, materialism and porn will create a different mood in society to a constant background of for instance, art, classical music and meditative exercises. Compare how you feel after a yoga class and after watching a violent film - there will be a difference, I promise.

In western society we pay too little attention to the subtle symbolic values of our actions and the powerful cumulative effect that our behaviour, TV, music etc has on signalling to those around us. Those signals accumulate and gradually change attitudes and taboos. You're right that there is no one-to-one relationship between violent games and real violence. The relationship is more complex and more subtle but no more powerful for that.

Politicians have picked up on widespread concern amongst the public - believe it or not, that is their function in a democratic society.

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