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Comment Re:You're a lazy excuse for a parent (Score 0) 311

Just for the record, I've had two screaming toddlers on my lap, now super 12 and 8 year olds. Smart, well-adjusted, good in school, polite. And believe it or not, they don't have TVs in their rooms, we limit their screen time and they, wait for it.... READ! They have conversations. Yes, now that they're older, they play video games, have mobile devices. But I never would have given a toddler something that would soak up their attention from the real world. Call my post flamebait if you will, but I stand by my old-school ways (I'm not that old in fact) and believe human interactions and real-world experiences will always prove better than immitation alternatives.

Comment You're a lazy excuse for a parent (Score 1, Insightful) 311

You've GOT to be kidding me! Are you serious? What the hell is wrong with you? Children that young need to experience THE WORLD not steer wide-eyed, slack jawed at a screen. You might as well put the poor thing up for adoption because you've already proven yourself to be a completely incompetent parent. This is so sad, so very very sad. I'll pray for your poor little child. (And I'm a devout atheist.) Let them play with blocks, with stuffed animals. Or, hey, has a novel concept - how about you, you lazy disinterested excuse for a real parent. Read them a freakin book. Bring them outside. Get a g*d d*mn puppy or kitten. The REAL WORLD people. The REAL WORLD is just on the other side of that plastic light emitting panel that your eyeballs are so hopelessly stuck to! GET A LIFE!! 6 months old. Oh my g*d!

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