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Submission + - SlySoft wins again!

PhilLong writes: Fox Fail: A new version of BD+ appeared on some Fox Blu-ray titles that gave SlySoft AnyDVD-HD some trouble, today SlySoft announced that the work of BD+ developers have been in just as futile as those of those of all other efforts to hide the plaintext of a file from the intended recipient.
The Internet

War of Words Over Wikipedia Ads Continues 353

Willis W. writes "Wikipedia founder Jimbo Wales reiterates his opposition to advertising in response to reports that Wikipedia needs a major cash infusion. Responding to Jason Calacanis' charges that he 'has a fringe, anti-corporate bent to him' that is 'holding Wikipedia back,' Wales says that running ads on Wikipedia is not his decision to make. Though he personally dislikes the idea of advertising on Wikipedia, any decision to utilize ads would have to come from the community. At the moment, he won't rule anything out. 'I can't say if I would ever support something like that,' he tells Ars, 'but I can say that I currently maintain the same position I always have: I am opposed to it.'" What do you think Wikimedia should do to shore up the financial situation of the Wikipedia?

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