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Comment Re:Man, am I old ... (Score 1) 173

Someone else pointed out that 360K was double sided double density disks, so yours probably was before that. I think that was the 90K single sided single density disks (the Apple ][s were superior during that time, being capable of 140K... :P :P Though, sadly, they never got to double density drives)

Comment Re:Apple Pushing All Mobile CPU Vendors (Score 1) 114

Wow. Just how does your brain work? The point is that Apple's iPhone, using 2 cores at 1.3Ghz has comparable performance to high end Android phones running at 4 to 8 cores at twice the Ghz, and in my mind, that's superior performance.

Just which part of that argument do you not get?

And the second part - if Apple were to use the same amount of cores or Ghz as the competition, assuming linear scalability, their performance would be double or quadruple of similar high end Android phones.

Simply replacing Apple with Samsung doesn't make it true for Samsung.

Comment Re:Apple Pushing All Mobile CPU Vendors (Score 1) 114

Uh, a dual core 1.3Ghz cpu is "marginally superior" to phones running quad and octo cores at twice the clock speed?! You don't consider that superior performance?

If Apple were to create another version of their phone, but with 4000mAh to 8000mAh batteries (to support the extra GHz and cores without draining the batteries too fast), they can make their phones twice to 4 times as fast, just by upping the Ghz, or the number of cores, or both.

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