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Comment Re:London is good, Berlin is better (Score 1) 410

Lived there for a year. It's got a fantastic culture. Certainly the sort of place that will appeal to the 20-somethings that startups like, and a good startup culture. Plus living there is a lot cheaper.

Wouldn't rate the transport that far above London. Sure, it's great but London's is pretty good. It just suffers from London's severe crowdedness.

I'd actually say in Britain, any of the university cities would be better than London. Not just Oxford and Cambridge, but Bristol, Manchester, Edinburgh, all have a tech industry, good connections and a decent culture.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 1067

Not always. There are a few areas where this may happen - It's fairly common with vector normalisation (zero result does typically actually work here, because a zero length "normal vector" is invalid, so we can deal with that later), anything to do with user input (where we really want to deal with the error).

Comment Re:Seems bizarre more than anything else (Score 1) 134

Well, I guess it would help if the media actually reported the police flagrantly violating the law, rather than focusing on abstract trivialities.

Since they're not, and it's only random comments that suggest they are, with nothing to back it up, I'm going to consider this conspiracy theorist nonsense for now.

Comment Re:Knowledge (Score 1) 312

"Hey, I'm going over to Syria to kill westerners and enslave Christians for the raping and whatnot..."

I guess the difference is between that and "Hey, I'm going to Syria for undisclosed reasons", when the possible legal reasons don't require a huge stretch of credibility. A complete stranger could be an aid worker, or a journalist, even a businessman (there is some trade even with US sanctions).

I think in this case, it's more a large number of borderline actions like this, and the DoJ are picking the ones with the best chance of success. Whether they should do things like this is something personally I'm undecided over.

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