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Comment Re:Not a good sign... (Score 2) 128

But as long as the common livestock never catch wind of it they will happy continue to graze, chew their cud and pick on of the two "different" options presented for their approval every 4 years and things will continue as they have done for decades now.

People do not have much of a chance against a system which forces them to operate by its rules. The system is dysfunctional, a failure of process has occurred. It does not matter if people are engaged in politics, the "sheeple" you disdain, or apathetic cynics like yourself.

All efforts to change a dysfunctional system from within its own rules will fail miserably. Case in Point: Occupy, an abysmal failure of a movement, based on the absurd notion that the system can be changed from within or by asking politely. Frankly I think that's worse than being sheeple or apathetic as it legitimizes the corrupt at the reigns of power.

So lay off the general voting population. Change is really, really hard, and I don't see you proposing many solid alternatives.

Comment Re:Feet first? (Score 2) 431

Do they always jump in feet first with these new teaching methods or something? Don't they test it on a small control group or a dozen to make sure it's not the latest new-age garbage?

Teaching methods are almost never subjected to experimental verification. They are devised by 20-35 year old academics with little teaching experience and a desperate need to get enough publications to be put on tenure track. Experiments would get in the way of such promising careers.

Comment Re:Hero ? (Score 1) 236

Management knew changing the part was akin to admitting the fault. The engineer did it on his own to save lives - company be damned.

And by betraying the sacred orders of management, and placing the safety and lives of fellow moochers above the right and holy profits due to his Executive betters, this man has betrayed the Almighty Market in word, deed, and heart, and his treachery must be uncovered, defamed, and justly punished as an example to all who would turn against the Word of Galt.

See you in the Club.

Comment Flip it around to put it in perspective (Score 1) 581

I can code in multiple languages on multiple systems and have been doing it for a shit load of years .. and right now I am sitting in front of OSX, Windows 7 and Debian systems.

But suppose my choice of career was suddenly cut short for some reason (the singularity?) what would it take for me to learn a bunch of manual skills in order to become a productive member of society? And to learn them to the same skill level I have now?

Basically I would be fucked as I have spent all these years adapting to intellectual challenges that rely on understanding arcane facts about specific systems, and then shuffling that knowledge around to find oval solutions to problems. I chose this career path because I was not enamored with the idea of manual labor. Actually I take that back .. I chose this career because I was enamored with the intellectual challenges. So I know I would suck at being a coal miner or a machinist or a welder or barrista compared to people who willingly have taken on those career paths.

The mythical coal miner to coder transition would suck for the same reasons that me being a coal miner would suck

So in general I agree with Bloomberg

Comment Re:You won't go very far ... (Score 1) 452

I wonder where "Screw your fellow workers" comes into "proper research" thing.

Because they don't have a choice in what is dictated, as businesses are not run as a collective of feel good measures.

Either the proper research (and did you see that I had education in my original post?) shows a long term cost benefit, or it doesn't.

Comment Screw your fellow workers (Score 1) 452

They are employees .. so they do what they are told to do by their boss.

Now developing a proper business case for your boos to show that you have considered all of the angles (installation, administration, education, usage and changeover issues) , and how that affects the bottom line is a totally different question.

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