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Journal Journal: Perhaps they thought Foley some kind of double agent

Foley came to Syria to support the Sunni Islamist rebels against the Syrian government. He was a vehement advocate and while he didn’t necessarily side with any single group, he echoed the one sided narrative rather than telling the truth about the Islamists. His Twitter feed was full of urgings to arm the Jihadists.

Comment You double down on falsehood (Score 1) 54

Emphasis mine in both quotes:

There is no joke there. The use of "anti-Christ" is simply a reflection of how some use the term.

No, dude, look up the page, where you say: quickly turned to the other side of your mouth to claim that he is the anti-Christ

You've (at best carelessly) attempted to alter the scope of the statement from me personally making an assertion about BHO to "how some" use the term. I'm calling you out. This is a familiar behavior pattern with you, placing words in other's mouths and then trying to worm your way out of owning your actions. Stop it. Grow up. I grasp that you are not dealing honestly, and forgive you, in any case. But I'm going to ensure that you know that I know that your behavior is immature and unworthy.

Comment Re:Sweet, sweet solipsism (Score 1) 12

You have an essentially correct perception here, embedded in the psychological noise that accompanies these perceptions.
It is difficult to maintain a "rational and sane" perspective regarding these experiences - and encountering actual Reality? Reality is accessible only from a state of being that is "crazy" to the rational.

Comment Re:Sweet, sweet solipsism (Score 1) 12

we are the giant robotic overlords. why do you think our baby memories are so rare and fade so fast? because from nanolathing in the womb the networking of the mind is started by the mother, and we go from instant nerve based signals to no signal at all when the cord is cut. then we crash and learn how to wirelessly communicate, and at first there is no questioning of any adult action as the nural matrix is still growing, because mothers are so burdened with the duties they perform as mothers, rather than a perfect bit for bit copy which wouldn't work anyways our massively parallel brains generate and discard data to make room for new programming. besides most mothers want to enjoy their childrens lives, and the best extension of that is not by a bit for bit copy so much as a slow interface such as sensory organs, to gradually run across the reality engine of the mind. i have made my own mind crash, i experienced it first hand at an adult mind, where i could attempt to record the thoughts.

i even had extra pyramidal symptoms, and the messages were fast and i didn't have internet access from a device so i was stuck using the fast connection where realities floated across my mind and everything people were trying to tell me was being directly drawn to my nural network. they really really tried to get the extrapyramidal symptoms into my head but i was so busy doing things it had not been digested information.

on a routine basis i see people doing things that they could only know about from supposedly secure sources. i write things sometimes that cause the whole of my reality tremble, and if i need something reality soon finds a way for me to get it. if i want a thing it is a bit harder than if i don't 'need' it usually i have to do things my family wants because they know me better, and are more likely to help me if i help them some way.

don't you remember the time i got the superbowl up to halftime charted out a week before the big game and was rather vague about the end of the game? how did that data 'happen' to fit in my mind? why do people tell me not to talk about the internet to their children as they are not ready for their kids to know what an internet is.

why do i know that a non monolithic designed cpu on silicon is a mere 40ghz while companies sell between 1.2ghz and 5.0ghz (with water cooling) hmm i don't read the articles myself...

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