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Comment Re:Obesity (Score 1) 144

It's a combination of many things - including how we work out. A couple of years ago I spent some time in Italy. I came back to my gym and there was this real fat fck. Oh sh*t he's fat. But then he does shrugs with 7 plates. OMG. And then benches with 4. Shit that mutherfck3r is strong.

In 5 minutes I go from thinking he is a fat slob to being super impressed.

To those not into weight lifting saying someone puts on 4 plates is someone putting on 4 45 pound (20 kilo) weights on each end of a 45 pound bar. Four plates is lifting 415 pounds(180 kilos).

I notice my work out habit. If I don't have time I lift and skip the aerobics. I probably have about 15-20 pounds of fat on me. If I chose to run instead of lift on those time-deprived days I would probably be 30-35 pounds lighter (the fat plus less muscle).

Comment Re:Will it be as bad as the H1N1 pandemic?????? (Score 1) 294

Precaution and panic are not identical - especially when the powers that be are inconsistent and contradictory in their warning. Do we truly know when someone is contagious? We know that if the person is vomiting and generally incapacitated he is infectious and that the period from contracting the disease to becoming infectious is 21 days.

But - in each of these cases we don't know when EXACTLY a person contracted ebola; nor is it EXACTLY 21 days to the minute.

So was the doctor who went bowling in Williamsburg a risk to those around him before he fell sick the next morning? There is no oops here. Contracting ebola is pretty much like playing russian roulette with 3 chambers filled.

I'm not saying that doctors have to be in solitary confinement for 3 wks after coming back - but it would be rather easy to isolate them in their own home or in a facility; give them internet. tv, cable, take out food - whatever. The cost to society is minimal compared to scrambling clean-up crews and tracking down people they came in contact with after-the-fact; and the inconvenience to the doctor in having to stay in a hotel room /their own apartment (if they live alone) or where ever is trivial compared to the cost to them if they infected family, friends, others.

Comment Re: Will it be as bad as the H1N1 pandemic?????? (Score 1) 294

That's true. It wasn't a typo. Sometimes when writing quickly I write the wrong word: to instead of too, add instead of ad; for instead of fore; pray instead of pray. That's why you're supposed to proofread before sending out an important email. Mea culpa. I didn't proofread my post. If I had I would have clarified my remarks and *probably* would have caught *do* as opposed to due.

I proofed this post and found that I wrote "proof read" instead of proofread. And, if I had let go through - would that be a sign of a lack of education or something else? A lack of attention to to the spelling and grammar on an insignificant post.

It is, however, a faulty assumption to hold that transposing homophones is a sign that the writer can't distinguish between the two words

Comment Re:Will it be as bad as the H1N1 pandemic?????? (Score 4, Interesting) 294

I see the media panicking. I don't see the American public panicking.

If anything there is concern that the government is not taking proper choices do to politics (such as restricting / checking people who travel to ebola and requiring that doctors spend 21 days (or so) at home or in a nice isolation ward at the hospital with TV and all the take out menus they want.

Comment Re: "caused by Ocean" (Score 1) 185

In correct. The southern strategy was the result of a third party. George Wallace ,the racist Alabama Governor was running for President on a Third Party line. Nixon's southern strategy was the belief that he could win states with only 40 percent of the vote - thus it was worth it for him to spend time and energy running in the south.

He was right. He would states with 40% of the vote.

The south didn't turn republican until 1994 so ... either this is a bullshit meme or Nixon was one hell of a long-term strategist.

Comment Re:Easy! Fraud.. (Score 1) 96

really? I've used it with eBay and to send money many times. I've never had a problem with them. There may be a problem when dealing with numerous small businesses (and scam artists) around the world. Paypal has made my life a lot easier in dealing with small entities around the world.

How are they ripping people off?

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