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Comment Re:Do people *still* think this is a "currency"? (Score 1) 174

People who say Bitcoin a currency don't know shit about it, Bitcoin is more like gold or silver (read this http://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf). gold prices have jumped up and down million times in history. Bitcoin might be overpriced now (or maybe not) but it is a brilliant technology that will make our life much easier.

Comment Re:It won't save you (Score 1) 410

Internet needs a new protocol for sending emails ASAP, And It's not really hard actually. Here is a simple example how it should have been: Say Server X wants to send an email to server Y 1- X initiates a connection to Y and asks for private key 2- X encrypts email(including meta data) using Y's private key 3- X sends the packet and closes the connection

Comment Re:Web (Score 2) 453

Please, stop saying it. JS is the only reason the web we're experiencing is shitty right now. because it's really easy to write horrible code with it, actually you have to code horribly in order to do make it work. WTH.

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