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Comment Logic... (Score 1) 805

I understand to motive is self-righteous vigilantism and not logic, but lets give it a go. Person A is annoying by talking on their phone. Person B does not like it, so therefore they decide that all people within X radius of them are screwed if they happen to be using a wireless or Wi-Fi device. Perhaps I would rather ignore Person A and use my wireless/Wi-Fi device for something important, but hey Person B could care less. So, Person A is wrapped up in their issue and could care less about how it affects other people, Person B is wrapped up in their issue and could care less about how it affects other people. How is Person B any different from Person A (sans the loud mouth)?

Comment Obviously not in US (Score 2, Insightful) 319

Sony should pay up 100 euros to a console owner

In the US they would either pay the federal entity directly, or be required to provide a $10 voucher to but another Sony product. If it was a class action suit, the customers would get no more than $2 a piece, because the lawyers had to get paid. That's the US for you though, suing culture, but only the lawyers get paid.

Comment Inflamatory Headline, Incomplete Information (Score 2) 537

So, the daily average of releases of iodine-131 and cesium-137 are, according to certain measurements, comparable to Chernobyl. They base this on a 10 day total from Chernobyl. Basic Questions:
1. What 10 days did they pull the average from for Chernobyl and what day or days are they pulling from for Fukushima?
2. What are the totals over the entirety of each disaster (or at least the current estimated total at Fukushima vs Chernobyl)?
3. What other radioactive materials were released in Chernobyl and how do they compare to Fukushima?
4. How did the evacuation and response measures compare?
5. How do the long term containment and clean up processes compare?
6. How do the human exposure variables compare?

In the end though, even evaluating these two data points, they fail to indicate the overall meaning and affect of these values (ie: How does this apply to human health?).

Comment What!?!? (Score 1) 711

"A naive solution, from a scientific point of view, would be to poll a random sample of lawyers or other professionals in a police go-to database, and ask them to evaluate whether the picture is child pornography, without any information about where the picture came from."

So, in essence you would be purposefully distributing child porn to a random sample of people. That would solve the problem!

Comment Re:Main mistake they made? (Score 2, Interesting) 587

The main mistake Circuit City made IMHO was that their prices were always higher than their primary competitors (Best Buy, CompUSA, etc.).

Circuit City more expensive than Best Buy? It has not been like that in the last 10+ years, at least not in my area. I wouldn't be overly concerned, but now Best Buy is the only shop within at least 60 miles. Guess I have to go exclusively web.

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