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Comment Re:so trade bills (Score 1) 413

Regardless. This is a good thing. It puts the power back in the hands of congress and takes it away from the emperor^H^H^H^H^H^H^HPresident.

What power? Now congress will still going to be snowballed with corporate pressure to pass the TPP, and no public protest, because the majoriyty of illiterate plebes think they won, so will go back to watching Kim Kardashian trim her bunions..

Comment Re:wrong is right (Score 1) 193

What they SHOULD have said, instead, was that the models were CORRECT, and there was NO failure, rather than that they overestimated it. If they say the models were correct based on no intervention, and the intervention simply prevented the worst case scenario, then the future is safer. It's not too late to change their tune, but if they don't stop apologizing for bad models, the point i mentioned in the previous comment will come to pass.

Comment Re:wrong is right (Score 1) 193

It was a TERRIBLE failure. NEXT time, and there is always a next time, the response maay be insufficient because the prevailing "wisdom" will be that it is over-hyped via needlessly dire models. ANd THAT could be the one that wipes us out. The idiots tnat are calling it a "success" are either trying to put a good spin on it, at the future's expense, or they really are idiots and don't realize the terrible price that will be paid due to the previous modeling, during the next epidemic...

Comment Yes and no.. (Score 1) 1032

I agree it should be free. I don't agree you should steal it, though. Pay what you commited to, and use your degree to make sure nobody else has to bear crippling debt in future. He was perfectlly capable of following those simple rules if he authored 5 successful books.

Comment Re:Socially Acceptable (Score 1) 408

OK , for those that don't know, all the netflix content offered for free on Youtube is blocked to Canadians ..Is that B**ch seriously saying that VPNing something that is offered for FREE is stealing? Obviously she's not talking about the paid content because we have to pay for it whether we access it from Canada or the US, so it must be the free content she's referring to... Apparently she "like, um don't want us Canadians drinking Lucky and watching free Netflix duiring the snowed in 3/4 of the year.. eh?"

Comment Re: Yes, but because (Score 1) 189

These aren't the kinds of musicians I was referring to. Local part time musicians that play live as a matter of course, of course can sing and perform live. These are not the bread and butter of the industry, however. . The indiustry needs to sell "videos" to the teen market, and that's where ALL their money is directed. This is alsoo where all the fraudulent representation is, and if you look at where all the litigation was it was always teen pop stars, and rap artists.

Comment Re:Soon (Score 1) 138

I really don't know where that line is, but I think I have a very good idea. Most of these so-called "blogs" that people share these items on, are created purely for profit. They list books and audio video content, add a cursory review (and often not even that) and monetize their site. If these sites didn't allow, or if ISPs didn't allow, people sharing copyrighted content to profit from it, it would quicky revert back to a few people sharing something purely out of a desire to share, period.

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