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Comment Re:Abolish the random lottery, sort by wage! (Score 1) 612

Another suggestion... Have H1B's auctioned, rather than being free. The more you're willing to pay, the greater chance you have of getting an H1B. Break ties in the last price tranche by lottery. Then we'll see what they're really worth and see if it's really worth the price to society.

Comment Think of it as evolution in action. (Score 1) 147

'Nuff said. The folks able to keep up with rapid attention shifts will survive. Those who take longer? They'll die sooner and breed less. Pretty soon, we'll "evolve" to the point where we'll al ride around in personal mobility units with our view of the real world is through a single sensor protruding in front of us, after which it'll be a short step to fully enclosed climate controlled pods.

Then, when our evolutionary perfection is achieved, we can crush The Doctor and destroy all other imperfect sentient beings in the universe.

Comment Re:Firefox (Score 1) 199

Dear Microsoft...

What the letter above said is that he "doesn't like the Firefox (or Chrome) model for updates". I personally have no trouble with it. He seems to want to leave you all behind, anyway.

Sure, I have a love-hate relationship with you, but it's better than the pure irritation and hatred that seems to ooze from the above letter. He must be a system administrator or something broken like that to hate you so much.

I wouldn't pay much attention to him.

Comment Re:Poster sounds sympathetic, but sounds like thre (Score 1) 254

The problem is that, even if the students there at the time are gone and have been replaced by noobs who have no history, the staff and faculty were still there, still remember, and are in charge of the grinding the wheels of justice. People who put out stupid messages should remember that.

Comment Big Data stupidity (Score 3, Interesting) 66

A lot of our problems today are the result of people in power fundamentally misunderstanding what Big Data is good for.

We used to assume it was impractical for the Government to keep records of everything we do in the public sphere. Those things have gone from possible to practical to inevitable, mostly due to Moore's Law.

Just because you have everything recorded, doesn't mean it's useful, though. Technologists who should know better talk about searching these records to find the "needle in the haystack", selling the vision of complete records + powerful search tools = Total Awareness.

What they conveniently skip over is:

* All records have inaccuracies
* If the inaccuracy rate is higher than the occurrence rate of what you're searching for, the search is not useful

Consider medical screening tests. If you have a test with a false positive rate of 1 in 1000, it is useless to use such a test to search for a condition that happens to 1 in 1000000 - 999 times out of a thousand, the test will say you're sick when you're fine.

Now, consider:

* The error rate of address OCR


* The rate of secrets being exchanged via US Mail

Anyone in the Government who can't produce an estimate of those two numbers shouldn't be allowed anywhere near those records - it would be like giving a child a loaded gun, or a politician a Twitter account.

Comment Re:Can we get some all-white/all-black schools too (Score 1) 599

Most men and women enjoy mixing, as it happens.

Not when we're between 6 and 11 or so we don't! That's the age when girls have cooties!

WARNING!!! If you are a boy in this age range, you must stay away from these creatures during this time period or you could get cooties, too!

Damn, I didn't know people were so uneducated in serious medical matters like these. Stay safe, citizens!

Comment Re:Black and White? (Score 1) 599

Do you have any argument to show that the same thing would happen now?

Simply that human nature doesn't change that quickly and the separate facilities will soon be funded inequitably because of that. Show me any time in the past where that hasn't happened instead. I should think the paucity of examples where schools were funded equitably despite race and the huge number of examples where people still act like asshats because of it would convince you.

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