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Comment Re:No mention on capacity though (Score 1) 395

And note that I won't call you an idiot, just because you are wrong.

No, but you'd be totally entitled to call him an idiot for calling other people idiots while being wrong himself.

Yeah, I was trying to set some kind of positive precedence.Guess I forgot where I was, Sorry. :-/

Comment Re:Does that mean they'll get to vote? (Score 1) 385

If chimps are people, will they be able to vote? Hold political office? Cue the jokes.

I don't think that they would necessary need to be declared legally competent persons, just because they were given personhood status. That being said, I think I agree with those who say that perhaps we need a new classification instead.

Comment Re:Lots of cheap carbon stuff (Score 1) 652

While I largely agree with the point of your post, I think that in context of global warming it would be even better to look at CO2 emission/ capita. It doesn't change things around all that much, but treats countries like Iceland a bit better as they use mainly renewable energy sources. http://data.worldbank.org/indi...

Comment Re:Golden opportunity missed... (Score 1) 198

The problem with wave farms is that they harness the gravitational power between Earth and the Moon. If this energy is dissipated, this gravitational force is reduced, and as a consequence, the Moon will move towards the Earth in an increased pace.

I think you might need to go back and re read physics for dummies.

Comment Re:Decline Effect (Score 1) 74

Exactly, like with the theory of evolution and intelligent design. If the same amount of time was put towards the proof of intelligent design as with the theory of evolution, the atheists wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

Well the Intelligent design people had a couple of thousands of years working on their story. The scientists only ~160 years since Darwin wrote his 'On the Origin of the Species'. So I'd say we should give the scientists another 1900 years before we make any conclusions.

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