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Comment Re:No sympathy (Score 1) 634

Third strike for you here (this is the third nonsense post you have made on this story alone.) Maybe you should take the time out to consider the situation. Maybe you child was misbehaving? Most likely. Maybe your bad parenting caused it? Possibly. If she is misbehaving in the classroom, then maybe your defense of her actions is going to tell her it's ok to continue doing that? Definitely.

Comment Re:She should be fired for being a bad teacher (Score 1) 634

Please please please stop with the race card excuse. It is sooooo over used and most often untrue. If the black student is bad at math, it is most likely a product of his economic class. (Not much emphasis placed on school, lack of solid parenting etc.) This happens with any poor person, it's not because he's black. This is 2011, most people don't see a black kid and think "Oh he must be stupid because he is black."

Comment Re:She should be fired for being a bad teacher (Score 1) 634

Her expectations were set by the students actions. You obviously haven't been in the average high school classroom lately. It's ridiculous. Kids get away with saying almost anything in class, and the teacher is near powerless to stop them. All it takes are a few to start the disruption and a few more to join in and then there is no more learning happening. Like someone else said, what can the teacher do to stop them? Kick them out, so they go sit in ISS, then come back the next day and disrupt even more? And your view of your mother's work is extremely childish. "My mom changes kid's lives, she can make them learn no matter what the problem!" The students enjoy disrupting class because others think it's funny. I'm not some white knight for teachers, they have a lot of faults, but give them some credit. Most kids in my generation are pieces of shit, mostly because of bad parenting. And the cycle will continue...

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