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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 13 declined, 1 accepted (14 total, 7.14% accepted)


Submission + - Apache Labs is Born

thehossman writes: "From the newly created by laws: While healthy and diverse open development communities provide a very efficient solution for self-sustaining, long-lasting and well-adapting software development practices, the creation and bootstrap of such community is normally a long and emotionally expensive process. ... Apache Labs are the place where ASF committers can work on innovative, blue-sky and off-the-wall ideas, without having to worry about fitting in an existing project bylaw or building a community around it, but unlike other external venues that can offer similar hosting services, as a place where fellow committers can offer suggestions and help."

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Software production is assumed to be a line function, but it is run like a staff function. -- Paul Licker
