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Comment Re:Customers vs Patients (Score 1) 204

If Company B cures the disease, then Company B gets paid until nobody has the disease then Company B has to invent a new cure or go out of business.

At that point company B has made more money than all of the treatment manufacturers were making combined. It set a high price for its cure, everyone bought the cure. If the disease was Diabetes, they grossed 2 trillion dollars, easy. At that point B could just buy Google or a medium size country if they still felt like they needed something to do.

Comment Re:Customers vs Patients (Score 1) 204

Why would A get to market first? B would get much more love from the FDA: breakthrough status and accelerated approval. Plus since it's a cure (only taken once, not forever) it wouldn't have to jump over as many hoops to prove that it is safe. All else being equal, B would get to market months or years ahead of A.

Comment Re:Customers vs Patients (Score 1) 204

Let me ask you this - You're a pharma with two different Diabetes drugs. They've both made it through phase II clinical trials and have the same side effect/risk profiles. Now you have to pick one to push forward.

Drug A, a cure. Drug B, treatment Time til profit: Since it offers benefits far above a treatment, the cure gets gets a breakthrough therapy designation and accelerated approval from the FDA review panel, leading it to be approved months or years earlier than the treatment. Once in the market, the cure earns all of its revenue FAST. Everyone takes it as soon as they can get it. The treatment takes longer to approve, slowly pulls in market share, and slowly earns revenue over a decade until generic competition kills the margin. Competition: A cure for diabetes would displace all existing treatments as fast as it could be manufactured. It wouldn't even face competition from "me too" cures - by the time they came out every existing diabetic with insurance has already been cured, so you're only fighting over new cases. A treatment would face stiff competition from all of the existing drugs - and thus have huge marketing costs. The situation would only get worse as "me too" therapies showed up a few years later. And marketing costs for the cure would be limiting to hitting "send" on the press releases. Price: Insurance companies wouldn't compare the cost of a cure to the cost of a decade of diabetes drugs, they would compare it to the cost of a decade of diabetes care: hospitalizations, diagnostics, office visits, everything. A pharma could price a cure at $100K and insurance companies would actually save money.

Basically, A good new Diabetes treatment would make a shit ton of money. But by the time it made it to market a cure would have already made its manufacturer the richest company in the world, and probably over 2 trillion dollars in revenue ($25k per dose x 50 million diabetics in the US and the EU) within 5 years.

Comment Re:Good questions (Score 1) 204

And why are we eschewing or overlooking treatments—real, honest-to-god treatments—that can let patients lead longer, more normal lives?

They take a pretty narrow view of "we". Once you get past the basic science phase of identifying the cause, the vast majority of funding and FTEs goes to researching treatments. Even though cures would be much more profitable for most diseases, it is very rare for cures to be attainable.

Comment Re:Shows where the heart is (Score 1) 139

That's great for simple stories. But this further kills the incentive to follow long, complicated stories that take months of investigation of multiple sources. Like say, most government corruption investigations. Still it would be a fair rule, unlike Scott Walker trying to carve out FOIA exemptions to hide embarrassing and potentially corrupt practices.

Comment Re:A long time coming... (Score 2) 364

FTA: This bubble has been building for less than 1 year, stocks are still up 83% over last year, most of the companies with solid reputations trade on indexes in other countries instead of China. On it's own this correction might wipe out 1 year of market gains, but as mentioned in comments below: if it combines with real estate bubble and the level of debt things could get messy.

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