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Submission + - Don't Be Evil: How Google Screwed Our Startup (hatchlings.com)

An anonymous reader writes: After nearly a year of trying to fix things diplomatically behind the scenes it's time to go public with the story of how Google screwed our startup out of $40,000 in earned ad revenue and then systematically ignored us for almost a year.

Submission + - Africa's Great Green Wall (loe.org)

An anonymous reader writes: Africa is turning to desert. Studies show that as much as two thirds of the continent’s arable land could become desert by 2025 if current trends continue. But a bold initiative to plant a wall of trees 4,300 miles long across the African continent could keep back the sands of the Sahara, improve degraded lands, and help alleviate poverty. Living on Earth’s Bobby Bascomb reports from Senegal.

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Work without a vision is slavery, Vision without work is a pipe dream, But vision with work is the hope of the world.
