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Comment Re:Is this a USA government institution? (Score 3, Insightful) 133

Is this FCC a USA government institution?

I thought the US government was since Ronnie wholly owned by the corporations...

Let us (normal internet users) hope the FCC can get away with this pro net-neutrality policy, level playing field and all that!

There's something in the air. Lately even Joe Scarborough and some of the FOX News regulars have occasionally balked at the bullshit.

Probably the solar system is passing through a cloud of hippie gas or something.

Comment Re:how long until the internet dies? (Score 1) 133

It's like that on everything. The hysteria of confused old people is a commodity bought and sold by corporations.

I especially like it when someone wants their representatives to eliminate entitlements, but don't dare touch their medicare and social security.

Full disclosure: I probably qualify as "old", and perhaps "confused" too. (Though if both, the later may not be caused by the former.)

Comment Re:Outsourced homicide (Score 1) 187

How much if it is due to countries making things illegal, which pushes up the value of that item, which in turn encourages criminals to produce said item?

That's your government's way of creating jobs. But like most trade deals, it creates the jobs and increases the GDP in other countries, and drives the trade deficit way up.

Comment Re:Knowing where the crime is happening (Score 1) 187

"In most cities, the vast majority of violence takes place on just a few street corners, at certain times of the day, and among specific people."

This literally sounds like the easiest policing job ever if they know all this...

Better yet, some tech-savvy entrepreneur could use the data to make a tour guide, so you could go see people kill each other in quaint places. Kind of like eco-tourism... nature red in tooth, claw, switchblade, and machinegun.

Comment Yeah, right. (Score 1) 131

The idea that everyone needs to be able to write code is nonsense. This is just propaganda to support the "need" for more visas.

It's a CRISIS, I tell you! But fortunately we can spend the next 20 years importing labor for the jobs we can't export, while you fix the school system and kids work their way through it.

Comment theoretical solution (Score 1, Insightful) 235

When you combine time cube theory with electric universe theory you get a cubic universe plus an electric clock. The cubic universe is flat (in the cosmological sense), so if the two underlying theories are correct then the universe diverges from flatness by the amount of one electric clock.

However, pedantically speaking, that's "plus one electric clock per universe". So in the case of a multiverse, the theorem only indicates the average. But with judicious application of the Central Limit Theorem, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and a line of reasoning left as an exercise for the reader, we can confidently conclude the universe is probably approximately flat, for definitions of "confidently", "conclude", "the universe", "is", "probably", "approximately", "flat", and "definitions" which remain to be derived from first principles.

Read more about it on my blog, Starts with a Bump on the Head, which, as you may have guessed from the title, is written in atrophic dactylic tetrameter, like all good cosmological monographs and comic books.

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