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Comment Re:Why should ANY of them get an HOV lane pass? (Score 2, Informative) 384

I love how slug lines show the lengths that middle class Americans will go not to ride a bus.

As someone who used to commute by bus, I can say that buses are terrible in most places I've lived. The last time I used the bus with any regularity, it was only a last resort. If I left my house on bicycle, I could be at work in 20 minutes. If I took the bus, it was 45 minutes from pick up to drop off, probably 52 minutes overall, counting the walk to/from the bus stop and being a few minutes early so as not to miss the bus. I only took the bus when it was raining or when it was summer (too hot to ride without too much sweat), but the bike was much better any other time.

Comment Re:U.S. Cleanup Solution: Step 2 (Score 1) 171

There's little point in singling out BP. Every last one of the companies is being cheap in the wrong places and risking disaster while the US Govt fails to do anything about it. They're all responsible. Even more, we're responsible because we continue to demand oil and gasoline. BP just got unlucky, but they're all doing. Hate the industry and hate the demand that's creating the industry. Also, realize that that demand is us.

Comment Re:.04 DUI in Oregon (Score 1) 957

That was part of why I brought this up. I have no problem with alcohol related driving laws in general. At some point, they go too far. I understand the motivation - the idea that we want to be safe, especially when people are steering very heavy objects at high speed, but some people seem to want to take the alcohol laws to an unreasonable point. At that point (like the no drinks in 24 hours rule), you've more than surpassed a great number of other issues that will impair driving. No one is suggesting requiring enough sleep before driving, but it can be a huge impairment. I've had days when I was too sick to drive a car. Hell, most people probably drive themselves to the doctor to get treated for being that sick!

I assume we hammer on alcohol because it's an easy target and it's easy for the authorities to measure.

Related to this, I'd love to see bars or restaurants start having breathalyzers available to patrons. If I have a single beer with dinner, I'm pretty sure (but not 100%) that I'm under 0.08 just based on the approximations you see in various publications. What if the restaurant poured me a 22 ounce beer? What if it was a Tripel? Luckily, my wife rarely has a drink with dinner, so I don't really have to worry about it.

Comment Re:.04 DUI in Oregon (Score 2, Insightful) 957

A general rule I have adopted is this: no alcoholic drinks in 24h before driving. Easy to abide to.

I had a beer with dinner last night. Are you somehow suggesting that I should not have driven to work this morning (10-12h later)? Is there some scientific evidence to support this notion? How does this scientific evidence compare to a person that got less than (8/6/4/2) hours of sleep or has a cold or a caffeine addict that didn't have their coffee?

Comment Re:Religious Viewers= $ (Score 1) 955

John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, Dharma, etc. I assume that giant statue represents some mythology. That asian dude in the temple probably represents something as well. Jakob & his brother are probably Tao or something (I don't know much about that, just making something up). This show was all over the place, borrowing from everywhere.

Comment Re:Religious Viewers= $ (Score 1) 955

a group of strangers find themselves in purgatory, and they they must work through their past deeds together to find piece. That is different than what happened hear.That is what happened here. It's a mix of a number of mythologies and theologies, but that's basically what happened in this show.

Even if you accept everything that happened up until the final episode, it is a huge leap to "explain" it all with the supernatural as if it were the most natural explanation possible.

They're not saying it's the most logical explanation, only that it's the story they told.

Comment Re:drill baby drill! (Score 1) 334

Go look up what happened at Three Mile Island. It was contained, just like it was supposed to be. Problem was, everyone panicked and we quit building nuclear plants for like 30 years. Now, we're behind on doing it because of the fear.

Currently, none of the major energy alternatives are clean. Nuclear has that nasty waste that we don't have a good solution for (though we should get on with reprocessing like other countries have been doing). Coal results in coal ash, which is possibly worse than nuclear waste. Oil is a total mess. Solar is nice, but expensive and still a bit inefficient. Wind is nice, but still a bit expensive and inefficient. Coal and solar both have geographic restrictions. Hydro is nice, but not everyone lives near sufficient geography. Conservation would be helpful, but the obesity epidemic suggests that Americans have little self control. To make conservation happen would likely require the introduction of taxes, which politicians are too scared to do.

Comment Re:1984 (Score 1) 1238

Yes that was my point. However deliberately airbrushing Comrade Jefferson out of the picture, for instance, is going a little further than simply making a "value judgment."

How do you know Jefferson is important? You're probably basing this on the fact that he was in your history books when you went to school. For all you know, those history books were colored by someone who thought he was more important that others and your history books were void of some very important people that aren't favored in the current or recent climate.

Point being, how do you know that Jefferson is of any significance other than the fact that you were told that he was by people who used to be in the same position as the people now trying to determine who is or isn't important? You're making your judgment only by pointing to prior holders of these positions as being more authoritative than this current group. It's really scary how much we depend on other people for the information on which we base our thoughts and beliefs. While these folks prefer red to the blue color you learned in school, you and I will never really know what the color actually was. We just have to piece together shit from the different people who think they know something.

Comment Re:Greener pastures (Score 1) 281

Think of it like this: The certification is a requirement for the job. You don't have it, but they decided to hire you and allow you some time to obtain it. If you look at it that way, they extended you a courtesy by giving you a chance to meet the job requirements even though you didn't meet them initially.

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