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Comment Re:ANY stress "alters the DNA" of a fetus. (Score 1) 155

This makes great sense.

In the wild, other mammals are completely capable of reabsorbing fetuses into their bodies during times of stress, giving evidence that the birth of a litter of young is predicated on environmental factors.

If a mammal uses resource surplus & hardship as a determining factor to give birth, it is not much of a stretch to imagine genetic predisposition is formulated by those factors as well.

Comment Hydrocodone, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine (Score 1) 511

They're not an epidemic solely in Silicon Valley, and although I get

that location makes it a nerd story, you can tell this same sad tale in nearly any modestly sized City.

An interesting question is, "Are the abused prescription drugs more widely available to top earners?"

The oxys and hydrocodone are super-addictive, and may (to their detriment)

be more widely available by prescription to folks who seem to have their act together... physician's discretion, if you will.

Comment Doomsday Chronicles (Score 1) 91

A scenario that is purported to lead to medieval living conditions virtually overnight.

At least it's not Zombies. In fact, if you can survive the initial purge while a great percentage of survivors fight (and die) over the food & water they can find on the ground, you will stand a pretty good chance of eventually returning to civilized living.

As sad an advantage as this may seem to be, the governors will be working overtime to get back in contact with surviving taxpayers.

Comment Re:McCarthyism v2.0 (Score 2) 242

The East German parallel is intriguing I'll admit, but the former DDR was literally using an abacus for math compared to the power and omnipotence of current electronic data collection.

Question is, just how low will they set the bar?

Posted sarcastically on Slashdot = one demerit. Brother-in-law waited on a table of Americans of Arabian descent at the Steakhouse = one water-boarding.

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