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Comment Re:Terrible arguments for Big Data (Score 1) 175

PostgreSQL has a K/V extension available for a while now. And custom types and arrays aren't also actually new. If you add to that JSON & XML support, I see little to no advantage in using NoSQL for any kind of workload. (keeping in mind that graph databases that actually solve something useful aren't NoSQL)

Comment MongoDB? Thanks., I'll pass (Score 1, Informative) 175

Not only because stuff like this, https://aphyr.com/posts/322-ca... , but also because MongoDB performance actually isn't that great. I do care about my data, and PostgreSQL is actually faster in some scenarios (eg. if you actually know what you're doing), so thanks, I'll pass. And Apache HTTPD? Who's still using that on new projects?

Comment Re:It's not innovation, it's the market (Score 1) 266

If it is an Internet based business you can site it wherever you want and you can sell across the whole EU single market.

Actually, it depends on the product. Consumer electronics and other WEEE products require you to be registered as a WEEE producer in *every* country you sell to. Some countries ask you for a fee, some countries do it for free. Then you need to pay a tax according to the amount of WEEE you sell. There is no centralized authority for it, as each country has its own laws. Even regarding tax, there is a cap on how much you can sell (B2C) to a different country without being obligated to present tax declarations on that country. Again, the amount varies by country (usually between 20K and 80KEur), but after that you are obligated to apply the destination country's VAT tax and submit a tax form in that country. Still, from the little I know from the US, its a couple of orders of magnitude simpler. Also, all the necessary documentation is available online in several languages.

Comment Re:It's not innovation, it's the market (Score 1) 266

Just for the last one, if you open an e-shop in Europe you need to account for all diferent VAT percentages in every country.

This is actually a fine example of you talking out of your ass. VAT taxing is quite simple, explicit, and most countries even allow you to submit tax forms online. Inter-state taxation in the US is a frigging *nightmare*, depending on the product type, the source of the product, the destination, sometimes the specific city (as council taxes may also be applied). I remember reading an article about US taxing at Amazon, and they had to consider around 150.000 exceptions/cases for tax compliance in every state.

Comment Re:Venture capitals are more conservative in EU. (Score 1) 266

Well, while I do get your point regarding size, market cap per se doesn't define a company's value. You may have a company that sells $24Bn that is worth less than that, or several times that value. It all depends on how it generates the money and the profit margins, and their evolution forecast for the next 5 or 10 years. A 24Bn company with a steady market (like Intel) will have less intrinsic value than a company that thas a two-digit grow ratio every year.

Comment Re:No... be afraid, be very afraid. Re:WTF? (Score 1) 327

I've seen awful presentations done in basically every media possible. It's not a powerpoint issue, its a dumbness issue. None of the alternative tools I've seen is a step up in improving content. Yah, you may generate prettier slides, have some new effects, different bulleting style, but in the end is all about content. If the content sucks, it doesnt matter if its on a ppt file, a pdf, an acetate sheet or in some interactive media projection. It still sucks.

Comment WTF? (Score 5, Insightful) 327

Powerpoint is a tool. Don't blame the tool, blame whoever is making the content. The truth is, doing informational slides require skill, knowledge and a good speaker to present them - it doesn't really matter if you're using acetate sheets or some fancy top-of-the-line video editor. Its like blaming typewriters for making bad literature. And if you 're afraid powerpoint is going to make you stupid, guess what? You already are.

Comment Re:Mandatory xkcd (Score 1) 229

Still an order of magnitude more complex than systemd.

Actually, its not. In FreeBSD, the /etc/rc.conf has a somewhat similar setup to enable/disable services ,as other Linux distros also have. Those you shown are global parameters, not startup scripts.

Then what are we discussing? Use your old style sysvinit.

Usually you can't just disable SystemD, and the tendency (IE it WILL happen), sysvinit will be removed. Try CentOS or Debian w/o SystemD and let me know how well it goes.

I don't know again what you mean. The sysvinit init scripts are still working.

They aren't, at least not fully. This requires an extra step in SystemD, to enable legacy processing of rc.d scripts.

The journald is used internally by systemd, and services can opt-in to use it.

Its not really op-in, is it? if SystemD generates diagnostic messages to journald instead of syslog or whatever you're using, you need to use it at least in some point. And when shit happens, systemD instructs you to use some crazy command to parse the binary logs, not a "hey this program is logging elsewhere". So, from a systemd user perspective, there is no other logging facility - error messages instruct you to parse journald, not to check the application log in /var/whatever.

At least systemd captures sysout and syserr into the journal, so it's not lost

Precisely. Its not opt-in. And when you manually startup scripts, it captures the useful information the program is outputing *at that instance*.

Another huge improvement over sysvinit. How many times I had to start a daemon manually so I can see the errors from syserr.

Most daemons will log the relevant messages. And its actually trivial to enable logging of those on your startup script, if you want it (and some programs, like crontab, already have them). What we have now, are deamons silently failing and requiring an extra command to understand why.

But again, the MySQL logs are still there in /var/log ? It's not systemd fault if Oracle is not updating MySQL to use journald.

No, they aren't. In many Linux distros MySQL is configured in /var/lib. And its not Oracle's fault that someone implemented a startup script that is dead useless with non-supported applications. At least sysvinit works with everything.

Comment Re: Dell, HP, Panasonic (Score 1) 417

So does Belkin, D-Link, TP-LINK, Genius and a bunch of other "virtual" manufacturers. Case design is different, sometimes the PCI is different, but the circuit is the same. And more often than not, even the firmware is the same. The case of ASUS isn't always this (often they provide changes to the base circuit or a customized firmware), but generically is a whilelabel brand. They sell re-branded stuff assembled by others.

Comment Re:Mandatory xkcd (Score 1) 229

Then you want systemd. As I mentioned before, the sysvinit start scripts are huge, complicated and error prone (the loop in Apache init script). In systemd all you have is a 17 lines file for Nginx: https://projects.archlinux.org... [archlinux.org]

Your argument is a bit flawed. You can actually bootstrap apache with a single command (apachectl start) you can include in /etc/rc.local or similar startup script. For nginx, it gets a bit more complex, as no deamon control program exists (while you can actually do most stuff by using the -s modifier). So, comparing apples to apples, the apache22 init script in FreeBSD has around 190 lines, and nginx's ~140, including comments and dependencies. The scripts are quite easy to understand and show how to put everything in place. Ever tried to run multiple copies of the same program simultaneously with completely different parameters? With a shellscript, is trivial to do so.

systemd adds a lot of extras, and does not take anything away. It adds, a) info on whether the service was started, b) automatic restart of crashed services, c) journald, d) limit resource usage per service, e) simple and powerful service configuration files, f) inter service dependencies management (start Thin only if Nginx is started, or start MySQL after Apache) g) a lot of tools that were missing like systemd-ask-password.

...None of them are useful to me. a) Info if the service is started or not is standard in every rc.d/init.d system I know, via the service command or other methods. b) the LAST thing I want is automatic restart of crashed services. I want to know it crashed, and investigate why (automatic restart easies the process of remote code execution in network daemons). c) journalD adds nothing useful. If I wanted my logs in a database, pretty much half of the loggers available have that option. d) this already exists in (every?) unix system. Its called process accounting and limits. Dependency managent is a solved problem - either via explicit ordering as in traditional linux systems, or explicit dependency enumeration in FreeBSD/NetBSD. If you think this is a cool feature, you've been living under a rock for the past decade or so. g) systemd-ask-password is a prime example of a cool feature that has *nothing* to do with the init process, so it should not be part of it.

And systemd does not take anything away from you. You can still use all your old school tools and your old style logging, and even the old sysvinit scripts.

Theoretically. In practice, it overrides the way sysvinit works, and you need to explicitly re-enable it.

"but if not, why the f*ck is it taking control over MySQL initialization? " What do you mean by that? It starts the service and watches the service that it is really started, and it gives you info that it is started or it didn't started or it crashed. For example, on my laptop:

Try it with MySQL. Your output actually has useful info, in MySQL's case, it doesn't, as systemd isn't capturing the program's log. And what if I had multiple mysql copies running?
In the end, systemd adds nothing to the existing process. Maybe stuff boots faster on a laptop, but I don't really care about startup times. I care about reliability and being able to fix stuff when it breaks. Again, systemd stands in the way, its not a help. If you feel intimidated by a 9Kb shellscript file, It may be suitable for you, but it's not for me. I prefer to dig around a small shellscript file than to have to read manpages and google stuff dispersed on the internet.

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